First, be sure to see Jay's Thread with the live video from HF08 I just wanted to give my person report and others attending are invited to contribute. We arrived after a short visit with relatives in Oswego, IL at around 11am at the Days Inn...they were great and let us check in at that time so I was able to discard some extra cargo for the MPG Challenge. Got checked in and began pressing the flesh at Olin Park. Lots of familiar faces, lots of familiar names. And, per my usual, I'm lousy at remembering names, but fortunately everyone seems really nice and forgiving of me. I got right to my 'job' of taking photos as my start time for the MPG challenge wasn't for about 3 hours after the driver's meeting. There was a broader range of vehicles this year including a Tahoe 2-Mode Hybrid, a Golf TDI (that did very well in the challenge), a couple Camry hybrids and more. I finally got to start my run with one of my 8 year olds along for the ride--we took the 2006 Highlander Hybrid this year. The route looked straight forward enough so I decided to forgo at least 2 offers to navigate....big mistake. I got behind 2 large trucks just before the first big turn, didn't see the signs, didn't think I'd gone quite far enough....and missed the turn not much over 6 miles into the 27 mile course.... Finally figured it out about 2 miles later, but it was way too late to fix at that point. I turned to the NAV system and let it get me back to the course so I ended up driving a good 60% of the route, but the chance for glory was gone.:der: The route was a lot tougher this year in that the time constraints were a lot tighter...still there were people finishing at 115% + over EPA est. MPG. The dinner was nice with the main speaker being the assistant chief engineer of the Volt. She was nice, enthusiastic, but mostly towing the party line on everything not really saying anything new or exciting. The closest I heard was when Wayne Gerdes pinned her down on aerodynamics and she suggested that it would be around .28 Cd...she also poo poo'd the advertised Cd of the Prius of .26... Take it for what it's worth. Awards were given, chairs put up and back to the Inn we went. Tomorrow starts the Hybridfest proper with high hopes of saying "Tashi Delek" to the Dalai Lama who's supposed to come by the display tomorrow!
Thanks for the reminder of the live video feed. I was unable to get connected at the park today. If I can find an open access point at the fair grounds I will try to get a steaming video feed setup from my front bumper cam or my Sony F820 camera. If we were staying at the Clarion like we did last year I could just do the stream off their "free wifi for guests" access point as I'm sure I can get a signal from them. I will post a link to the streaming server site in the topic Evan pointed to if I can get some net access. If you don't see a post by say 10:00am then there wont be any streaming video. I'll hook up a mic also so there will be some sound but I don't know what you would hear unless I have my stereo on or something. [edit] One thing I would like to say is that the Days Inn wifi sucks. Its "open" but every once in a while they do a DNS redirect to their home page and this screws up just about everything I try to do. I all ready had to retype a few posts because it redirected when I submitted the post. plus I'm having trouble using VNC to connect to my PCs at home and I cant access my security cameras which I have running on a standard web port that should be open to everyone.
I agree that the Days Inn wifi sucks...I haven't had the redirect issue, but lots of issues with speed and getting pages to load...and it's not a signal strength issue.
Day 2 (and my final day) report: This was the main event today...the Hybrid Showcase, the parade of hybrids, all the stuff at the Alliant Energy Center, the banquet, etc. Turn out was pretty low this year compared to last as far as fair goers. There was rain in the morning as we lined up for the parade in...maybe that scared a few away. The Dalai Lama was speaking in the afternoon...some people may have gone there instead of the fair, others may have stayed away b/c of the crowds for the Dalai Lama...don't know. But, as usual, a lot of information and 'spreading of the gospel' was done. In the Exhibit hall Toyota had their large display yet again, and provided many vehicles for test drives. GM had promised to show...but backed out apparently b/c of of Money...but one has to wonder if the PR dept. was worried about backlash after a recent closing of a Tahoe plant in Janesville nearby. Ford never planned to come back claiming money issues. There were some pretty fascinating displays though.... I was first to sign Bob's 'ring the bell' petition in the hall, CleanMPG had a nice display and a busy booth (DANNY!!! Where were we???) Hymotion/A123 was there and is doing an install at 2pm tomorrow. I mentioned in another thread on hybrid bikes that my wife and I got caught up in the moment lured by a Hybridfest only price of $900 for a very nice looking moped-like hybrid bike/scooter that can go something like 30 miles on a charge. Even got them to promise we could get a second one at the discount price after we get our first one if we like it!!
sounds like an overall pretty good time. we're sad that we had to miss out this year. where is the link for your pictures? i'm sure people here would enjoy seeing them.
Hey Gal, I haven't posted any photos yet...the internet here is a bit sketchy and I just haven't felt like dealing with the photos yet. I'll try to get stuff up tomorrow night.
I'm glad you all enjoyed the convention Doc. I for one didnt think Ford nor GM would visit at all. They are both getting their lunch eaten by import cars and along with plant closings and money issues and the economy down turn I just didnt think they would show. That engineer knows very well what the CD is for the Prius. She just didnt want to yeild to a superior engineering effort. Her Volt at a CD of 2.8? With the serious money issues GM is having now I would be doubtful that the Volt will be made at all! There is talk on Wall Street of GM filing Chapter 11 by next year!
Amen to that!!! When I would boot up everything was fine--for about 5 minutes. I ended up going down to the lobby is hopes I could send 4 e-mails. A guy at the counter siad he had to reboot the system. It didn't help.
Fiona & I are safely home from Hybridfest - what a great time we all had. For those of you who couldn't make it this year, please think about putting this event on your summer wish list next year. Meeting all the other hybrid fans you see posting here was a highlight, and Fiona appreciated all those who introduced themselves to her. Can't wait until next year! :wave:
Hey folks, finally got almost all of my HF08 photos uploaded to flickr. If you were there and you would like a copy of any of the photos let me know and I'll send you the ones you want. Hybridfest 2008: un álbum de Flickr
Hi guys, It was great meeting all of you in person at the event! I learned a LOT and it's such a great group to be part of. I'm pretty tired as I had a late flight back last night and almost missed it, then had to get up at 5am this morning for work Midway is a lot further drive from Madison than I thought it would be! I thought for sure the TSA was going to destroy my luggage with all the car parts and stuff I had packed into my check-in bag (Engine block heater, scangauge, Toyota flashlights, show goodies, etc). Luckily everything made it back in one piece! Thanks to Avis for having a SPM Prius rental so I could participate even without my own Pri. Evan - thanks for sharing your pictures - they look great! Here's a link to my photos of the event: Be sure to check out Jason's video of Alexandra Cattelan (GM E-Flex Engineer) speech on Friday night after the MPG challenge: Hope to see you all at next year's event!
Thanks for taking and sharing the photos Evan. Would love it if you or someone else who attended, would identify the PriusChatters who attended and are shown in the numbered photos.
Yea, I'm so terrible with names I don't want to take any chances...if you go to flickr and sign up (free I'm pretty sure) you can enter comments for any photos....everyone who see's their photo should feel free to post a "hey that's me John Doe aka carnerd at Priuschat" under their image.
Ah, didn't even notice that was Jason's recording posted....I only noticed Jay recording it...he said he missed a few seconds of the last question but otherwise got the entire talk....looking forward to seeing that again. Too bad nobody kept the cameras rolling for the informal Q&A afterward during the ice cream social...that's when a few interesting things came out regarding the lease program for the battery and the Cd they expect for the Volt.
Sparky, Thanks for sharing your photos. I see Doc Willie turned one of his cupholders into the Prius equivalent of the VW bud vase.
Thanks for sharing the photo/video from the Hybridfest. I felt like I was mentally attending Hybridfest.