My brother in the exurbs of Seattle received on of the very first locally delivered 2004 Prius in that area, taught me to say: prEEus The service manager at the local shop says: prEYEoos Now, is it correct to pronounce the "i" as an "e" as is done in Spanish, Italian and (I guess) maybe Latin? What have you heard?
Like Frank, I've only heard Pree-us. Your service manager must be Norwegian. Is his name Sven? Does he say "Uff-dah" frequently? See? There you have it.
No, I expect pure 100% unadulterated British Isles imported long ago Redneck. Country tunes play in the background, ya know? (I like Bluegrass but positively dispise what passes for country music for nearly three decades or so. In fact, the only thing on worthwhile is the Public Radio blues, classical and the "best of" 70/80's stations.)
I've heard both. Pr-eye-us from those who haven't heard of it pronounced before, Pree-us for those who have. Frankly I thought it was pr-eye-us before I heard auto journalists say it. Same with So-lare-ra or So-la-ra
Technically, Toyota refers to the multiple form as "Priuses", but I like "Prii" better. I pronounce it "Pre-eye". And Prius is "Pree-us
I've heard: *) "PrEEus" *) "PrEYEus" *) "What IS that?" *) "Where DO you plug it in?" *) "HOW much?" *) "YOU'RE driving." *) "It's a FAD."
Actually I'm not even sure which plural Toyota prefers. The head of the San Diego Prius Club says that Toyota says Prius is the preferred plural.
I pronounce it "Toyota hybrid." Makes the plural easy too, at least until there is more than one Toyota hybrid. I'm thinking of pronouncing it "price," just to annoy people in a passive-aggressive way. Too bad we can't agree on how to pronounce the binding force of atoms or the names of other countries. I'm not saying everybody should pronounce everything the same way. This is why people visit (and leave) London and Boston and even Alabama.
I got Priuses from this press release when they donated some Prii to Yellowstone: "This past summer, Toyota donated four 2004 Priuses with Hybrid Synergy Drive to Yellowstone National Park Foundation."
Talk to our favorite Toyota exec, the one responsible for overseeing Prius. He says the plural for "Prius" is "Prius". I like that. We can hide our numbers that way, stealth like. And the pronounciation for Prius is PREE-US. Working on the upcoming DVD for Prius, I listened to several Toyota commericials for our favorite car. All of them pronounced that name that way. FREE-US from imported oil & pollution with PREE-US.
I'm with that idea, that "Prius" is non-plurable much like "aircraft". Not that it's a Japanese word, I believe that's how Japanese nouns work, too.
Prius is a Latin word, so there is one and only one way to pronounce it -- PREE-us. Anyone who calls it "Pry-us" or, worse, "Pry-oos", is dumb. The plural technically should be Priuses, but singular Latin words that end in -us have the plural -i, pronounced 'eye'. Examples are radius => radii (RAID - EEE - EYE), cactus => cacti, etc. So calling them Prii (PREE-EYE) is basically a joke. According to Google, "prius" means "first" in Latin. It's not a noun, which means that when it's used as a noun anyway, such as Toyota Prius, the plural would just be Priuses.
OK, that's all well and good, but what about the possessive? Is it... "My Prius's mpg is better than your Hummer's." or "My Prius' mpg quintuples your Hummer's"? And what about the possessive plural? "Our five Priuses' roomy interiors got us to the energy fair using less gas than your one Hummer." or "Our five Prii's roomy interiors got us to the energy fair using less gas than your one Hummer." or "Our five Prius' roomy interiors got us the energy fair using less gas than your one Hummer." or "Why in Jesus' name did you drive a Hummer to the energy fair?" Which leads me to a related question... Do multiple nativity scenes then incorporate Jesi? My questions must be answered!!! :wink: Brad