Has anyone else noticed that if your driving at 80km per hour or faster with the window down, the wind seems to "bounce" off the side pillar (next to your shoulder) and quite painfully and rapidly cause pressure changes inside the cabin? The only way I can explain it is that it feels like your ears want to pop, then don't, then do, then don't ad nauseum... Its extremely painful and irritating.. :cussing:
:? umm what does that have to do with it? (My partner notices it as well) :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I just realized you might have meant Prius... Was that a freudian slip then? :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: Bad joke. Where are you that the speed allows you to do 80? And why oh why aren't you using your AC? Aren't you afraid of getting hit by a cigarette butt... or bird poop?
Yes, the booming with front windows open is ear-shattering! My advice: don't do it. Oh, for the quieter days of vent wing windows! Aimed right, they always solved the booming problem.
I don't of any birds that can crap sideways at 80 k's ;-) and don't get me started about smokers.. I swear, the next arrogant so-and-so that I see flicks a cigarette butt on the ground (within a car or no) is going to his his/her head twisted off by a 6"3 angry bastard. :cussing: :cussing: :cussing:
:lol: Yep (I do have a Prius! What I don't have is something to tuck) Friday is almost here, thank goodness!
There's a thread on PriusChat discussing the open window noise (I know, you newcomers must be sick to death of hearing us say that... ) Basically comes down to a side-effect of the aerodynamics of the car. This lead to a debate as to which would be more fuel-efficient -- driving with the windows down and the A/C off, or with the windows up and the A/C on. (But then, all PriusChat threads end in "what gets the best MPG"...) OK, here's the thread. (Someday, the "search for subject title only" option will work, and God will take me up to heaven. :mrgreen
Thanks There was a story in the news here in Australia a while back that claimed it's more fuel efficient in nearly any car to use the air con over the open window, somehow thought I suspect it depends mostly on what speed your doing :-P
May 100 virgins await you at the gates of heaven (try the search title only function again, smart-guy ).
The pressure thing is reduced if you have cross airflow; open another window on the other side of the car.
Dan, you beat me to it. At anything above about 40MPH in both of my cars, it's necessary to open a rear window when the front window is open. It seems to be a combination effect of the volume of the passenger compartment and an opening being at the front of that volume, alternately scooping and venting the air. It creates pressure changes that are indeed most unpleasant. Opening a rear window helps, but I've found I need to be careful with how much I open the rear window with respect to the front(s); if I open the rear too much the problem comes back. At freeway speeds I just try not to do this, but my daughters really like having the windows open a tad in back, so I end up experimenting more than I would otherwise choose as a result. - Leo
I have to lock the power windows since my daughter likes to open her window when we drive. Even at slow speeds, I find the effect very annoying. I have noticed this on other cars as well, not just the Prius.
It... works!!!! \"Walk Towards The Light, My Son....\" [hr:6461ea2bc1] Thanks, Danny!!! "Suffer the little geeks unto me, for I shall get a good price for them...."