Sheesh, talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. Oh, sorry, Janet, I didn't mean it like that. Your wardrobe can malfunction anytime.
I really loved how all the family values conservative" types were all up in arms about a one second shot of a nipple - yet had no problem with the rest of the routine in which several women were dancing around in little more than lingerie. Heaven forbid little Tommy see the whole breast! Nope, gotta make sure it's covered by at least one and half square inches of pink lace and a few straps of leather. We've got standards to maintain y'know...
Nobody ever said the courts and lawsuits are speedy. This ruling doesn't mean it is NOW open season for "wardrobe malfunctions" on broadcast TV. This part of the story is the most important . . . "The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit said the U.S. Federal Communications Commission "arbitrarily and capriciously departed from its prior policy" that exempted fleeting broadcast material from actionable indecency violations." . . . because, now that the FCC has fined a broadcaster, even though it lost in court, the next time won't be 'arbitrary and capricious.' The broadcasters are now on notice . . . the FCC WILL hand out fines and the courts will no longer call it arbitrary or capricious.
To all those who say "it's just a tit", the issue isn't about that. And this is coming from someone who loves the boobies. The issue is CBS knew the rules, knew what was acceptable to broadcast, and most likely knew what JT and J intended to do, and showed the booby anyway! Granted rules apply to others and not liberals who know what's better for us, but this fine should be reinstated and may if appealed. If you don't like the FCC guidelines get YOUR liberal buddies in control of Congress to change them.
Yeah, because we also need boobies and other parts to be shown on childrens' shows and cartoons, because everyone knows that nowdays . . . . . . the definition of a virgin is, "an ugly third-grader."
We didn't see the whole breast, that is why the FCC lost their case. Janet Jackson's nipple was covered by a metal "pasty". If CBS would have shown the nipple it would be considered obscene. As strange as it sounds, it is the nipple that is considered obscene, not the other 99% of the breast. It is this technicality that leads to TV shows airbrushing out nipples. They used to do the black line or a large blur but now they just airbrush out the nipple frame by frame. For example on some of the plastic surgery shows, the nipple is airbrushed out so you see complete small breasts with no nipples followed by big fake breasts with no nipples. To me this is more damaging to the children because soon children will be so used to seeing nippless breasts on TV that they will think only men have nipples.
I don't see why the FCC wasted time on CBS. It's Jackson and Timberlake that should have been in court. They would have been found guilty and fined big time. They've got the money. They should both pay up. All they learned from this is they got away with it.
"Yeah, because we also need boobies and other parts to be shown on childrens' shows and cartoons, because everyone knows that nowdays . . ." You're right SPE, it's much better that we have the drug companies advertising Woody Pills, um, I mead ED disorder remedies