I wanted to know if you would recommend powder coating my rims black or just buying new rims. There are 3 things that i want to play in my decision. i know new black rims will look a lot better. But how much cheaper is powder coating them, how much longer will it take, and also does it have any environmental advantage (not producing more rims, saving energy). thanks:usa2:
If you like the look/size of your factory wheels, by all means powder coat them. I just had my 17" Ray's Gram Lite wheels powder coated. Took 2 days start of project until finished and driving on them. Cost me $360 for the powder coating. I did find it for $120 cheaper elsewhere, but I was more comfortable with the other business. Also, you might have to pay to have them dismounted and remounted and balanced, so figure another $60. I took min in on a Tuesday am and had the tires dismounted and then took the rims to the powder coater, I had an appointment so I knew they could do them the day I dropped them off. I picked them up at noon the next day and then had new tires installed and I was driving again. About 32 hours total. Good luck. Oh, I believe based upon about 3K miles of driving and cleaning that powder coating is much more durable than painting.
to tell you the truth i like the look of non stock black rims a lot more, but I was wondering if there was any environmental difference (producing more metal products):nerd:
Well they blasted the original finish off the rims first and then powder coated them so I doubt it added weight. As to making a difference in the environment by using your old rims....my hat is off to you.