"You've got a tough choice to make: fill up the tank... or relieve the national debt." Oh, I just can't get enough of these.
I was a little surprised to see that Budweiser would risk offending their customers, so I went our to their website to see if they really made these and to my surprise they "carded" me before I could see any site content, but no beer came out of my computer though.
Oh, only if it were that easy - beer delivery, straight to your computer over the internet. Hey, that's not a bad idea... can it be done? </wishful thinking>
Damn 911 ruined the best Bud commercial campaign ever. Used to be Real American Heros. Real Men of Genius just doesn't carry the same punch.
I cant imagine offending anyone with that. As a suv driver, I had a great laugh at that! If someone is offended, they need to get a life!