My wife has commented that there have been multiple incidents where she has experienced near miss collisions with birds and her magnetic grey prius. I witnessed it for myself today when I was driving with her. A bird seeming found a clearance on the northbound lane to lift off and begin to cross over the street we were traveling on. It was as if we didn't exist as it continued across the street into our lane diving only at the last minute under the bumper. I think it made it safely but is this a Prius thing or just a magnetic grey thing. I can only guess there is not enough contrast between the color and the asphalt ? Any other prius owners seen this repeatedly ? If so what color is your prius ?
I haven't observed that, but I'll just say that the reason I did not choose the magnetic grey was because I felt as you just stated, that it would blend too much with the asphalt, especially in the wintertime here when we get the foggy rain. Sure, we have the headlights and all, but they're not visible from every angle...
I have on many occasions seen birds dive in front of my car (Prius included). I think it must be some kind of game they play. I've picked off a few when they miscalculate my speed. Maybe they are part lemmings. Buck
Never had this happen, but as I was sitting in the parking lot cleaning my car 10 minutes ago, a bird was chilling out on my front windshield wipers. No suicides to date, they seem to see the black Prius coming.
Specifically Prii speaking, I've heard of this happening with the grey color Prii. Maybe the birds have trouble distinguishing it per the color?
We've had problems with this with our black Prius. We hit one so hard this spring that there was egg goo smeared over the front bumper. Ick. Tom
I hit a buzzard once ... with my head. I was going about 90 mph on my bike at the time. I heard its claws scrape over the top of my helmet. I stopped to find fresh roadkill vomit all over the windscreen.
That was a close call. I had a few bird strikes in airplanes. I was flying along and heard a "Bam". After I landed, I found a nice feather covered dent in the leading edge of the starboard wing. Another time we took a small one through the prop. There was just sort of a poof and then some stuff on the windshield. I'd hate to have one come through the windshield. Tom
My wife's Outback has had three bird kills, one especially messy (roof rack....). I have never had it happen in any other car that we have owned, including Prius.
There has to be something more to it? Like bugs being more visible in the road areas while not so visible in the woodsy sides? I never had trouble with birds in my prius yet but over the years i have to admit hitting two in different vehicles. just bad luck in my opinion. thankfully i have avoided all squirrels, skunks, and turtles! Sometimes they just do not seem to care about cars. one thing we have in NH during the rains/spring is frogs by the millions on the roads. lots of swampy areas here in NH and sadly you cannot drive down the road without running over some every few yards :-( there is that many! millions!
Now you guys (and gals) have done it! :mad2: Because it has been proven that hybrids are dangerous to the poor defenseless birds, PETA is gonna push for ALL hybrids to mount the flashing School Bus strobe lights. :angel:
Obviously, we need to pass a bill requiring hybrid cars to be more audible and more visible. Imagine the blind birds! On topic, a bird swooped right into my driver's side door two weeks ago, while I was driving 70MPH on the highway. But my Prius is red, which should have been visible. Maybe the Prius is too aerodynamic, and thus too quiet for birds to notice? Maybe we need a bill to add some air resistance?
I get them failing to fly away, on the side roads around my house (they hunt for leaf worms that fall out of the trees onto the road). I don't think I've squashed one yet, but there have been many close calls. The engine is running too, as the car is usually not fully warmed up and/or I'm in too much of a hurry to crawl in electric mode. I don't think it's a Magnetic Gray thing, as my car is Driftwood Pearl. There is a reason for the term "birdbrain"!
I believe it has something to do with being more aerodynamic than most other cars. Birds probably aren't used to having to use so much energy to get away from the slipstream