August '08 issue of Scientific American has a short article on the whole "silent" issue being a danger in hybrid cars to pedestrians. Actually, it's a fairly neutral article, not negative on the Prius at all, with such blips as: "No concrete evidence proves that hybrid cars are involved in more pedestrian accidents than their noisier counterparts. ..... hybrids and conventional vehicles are equally safe when traveling more than about 20 miles per hour, because tire and wind noise generate most of the audible cues at those speeds... hybrids also tested safe when leaving a stoplight..." and "Pedestrian safety, he points out, is not a hybrid issue. It's a quite car issue." ...talking about how several vehicles are quieter than hybrids (high end and not high end). August '08 Scientific American pgs. 22, 24
Just read it. I agree with it for the most part. Seemed fair. -I- won't be putting "noisemakers" on Pearl! We have eyes and laws to protect pedestrians when we drive!
Re: Scientific American bit on silent hybrid danger Folks around my neck of the woods put "noisemakers" on their vehicles to scare deer from the roadway. I encountered one recently,he managed to jump over my hood and scampered into the woods.
I read about this issue in a newspaper a few days before I purchased my Prius. The irony is, after driving Toyotas all my life, that all of my cars were very quiet, maybe not Prius electric motor quiet, but certainly close. When pulling out of an alley into an intersection with pedestrian traffic, drivers must always give a little horn before proceeding on. I thought the article was more about creating a problem than reporting one.
Hey Guys, The solution is very simple. All you need is a warning sign like the attached bumper sticker below to cover yourself legally. In the event that you should unfortunately hit a pedestarian, all you need to do is confess to the police "I'm sorry, I didn't hear him coming. Keith
It's our "victim" mentality society at work. Years ago, a pedestrian gets hit, it's not news, it's a tragedy. Today, we notice it's a hybrid, and we jump on the "it's got to be some big company's fault and I'm entitled to money!!" My mommy taught me to look both ways before I cross the road. Didn't yours?
Hi KtPhil, Except no blind pedestrians have been struck by a Prius. While dozens have been by other cars. And other pedestrians have been struck by a Prius at the same rate as other cars. Non-Issue.
The whole issue makes the blind seem like wimps and losers. Is this about the blind complaining or the rest complaining "for" the blind?
I've already got a back up beeper installed that can be heard on the outside that people ignore. I've watched them ignore it in my rear view mirror.
I do wonder if anyone has been in front of a Pruis...even with the engine not running. If the AC is running, it is just as noisy as any auto... If you turn off your AC, of course it is quite, but with it running is is very noisy I do wonder why all the problems..
I think that you have hit the nail on the head - From all I have read, it is always someone who "is thinking on behalf of the blind" who is raising the issues.