Soon to be Prius owner

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by sharblu, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. sharblu

    sharblu Junior Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    2009 Prius
    Wanted to say hello to everyone. I'm in the process of awaiting to put a deposit down for a new 2009 Prius. It seems the dealers in my area have halted any further purchases on 2008 and will stop 2008's around August. Not to make it sound like a bad thing. I'm all for the 2009.

    At first, I thought they were referring to the new futuristic looking models because I thought 2008's were the last of their generation. I opted for the 2009 which I will have to wait about three weeks or so for. Supposedly it has a little better gas mileage. Maybe like an additional 2 to 5mpg but said the model looks the same as 2008. I will have to check the forums and online for any info for 2009's since I originally thought they wouldn't exist.

    Anyways, I'm getting the Gray Metallic with Ash interior - if they haven't stripped those options from 2009's. I'm really excited about this new car and can't wait to get rid of my old ride. :D
  2. john1701a

    john1701a Prius Guru

    Jan 6, 2004
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Hi and Welcome.

    The 2009 will not be any much of a difference from the 2008.

    The 2010 that will be the next generation model. It is expected for early release somewhere in the May-July timeframe next year.

  3. Ct. Ken V

    Ct. Ken V Active Member

    Oct 16, 2007
    2005 Prius

    I think you will have to wait longer than the 3 wks your dealer is tell'g you. The factory in Japan isn't scheduled to start producing the 2009's until August (at least a week & 1/2 away) & then you've got the trip across the ocean & through the Panama Canal to get to your region. First Prius deliveries aren't due (according to the Toyota build sheet) to arrive until mid-Sept (probably only on the west coast for that date) through the end of Oct [probably for the east coast (the northeast)]. So for your region, I'd say early to mid-October is more likely for your car. If your dealer is tell'g you only 3 wks, then you may actually get a leftover 2008 model.

    They stopped taking orders for the 2008's in early April & started taking orders for the 2009's in early June, but since the 2009's won't start arriving until mid-Sept there are a fair number of 2008's still trickling in ffor delivery. I assume that unless you make a deposit & get on a list you won't see a (2008) Prius in 3 wks, but more likely a 2009 Prius in about 2-3 MONTHS. You aren't actually order'g a Prius from Toyota. You're just preferenc'g your choice of acceptable option pkg's & int & ext colors with your local dealer to help him try to match what you will accept from him to what he gets in his allotment (he may be able to work a swap with another dealer to get what you want if he has something the other dealer wants in return). If your dealer gets nothing another dealer wants, then no dice on a swap to get you your best choice. Just more wait time then.

    You say you haven't put down your deposit yet, Do you at least have a place # on a wait'g list, or do you have to make the deposit 1st to get on your dealer's wait'g list? A long list of wait'g people before you will certainly add more time to the "more than 3 wk wait" that I already think you will be facing.

    Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
  4. RussellMcNeil

    RussellMcNeil New Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Nanoose Bay, BC
    Other Hybrid
    Hello "soon to be." I'm in the same boat as you. I put $500 down on Friday for an 08 or 09 Prius and was told that I'd see the car by early November (I'm in BC on Vancouver Island). Since Friday I've spent hours scouring the postings and releases trying to find out more about the 2009 Model year Prius. To be honest after reading hundreds of items here is what I may or may not know: The 2009 Model year Prius may or may not get better mileage. The 2009 Prius may or may not be a plug in. The 2009 Prius may or may nor use Lithium Ion batteries. The 2009 Prius may or may not have a solar panel on the roof which may or may not supplement A/C. The 2009 Prius may or may not have a 1.8 Litre engine. The 2009 Prius may or may not have a minor facelift. The 2009 Model Year Prius may or may not be actually the 3rd generation Prius, and finally the 2009 Prius may or may not even ever be released - Toyota may or may not actually skip the 09 and release the 2010 early.
  5. sharblu

    sharblu Junior Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    2009 Prius
    You're right, Ct. Ken V. Sorry if I wasn't clear on that. My three weeks is just for putting a deposit down and setting my preferences. I understand those cars take some time to come in. I'm crossing my fingers my current vehicle doesn't crap out before then. I'll just be glad to get rid of my current vehicle and be done with it once the time comes. Heh. It is a Prius '09 btw. I'm pretty sure of it and I will be sure to exactly specify that when I put my deposit in.
  6. sharblu

    sharblu Junior Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    2009 Prius
    RussellMcNeil. I'm keeping hi hopes for the 2009 release. I need a new vehicle pretty soon as mine is reaching its limit and I can spare a couple months wait time. If it turns out they will never be released then I will have to start my search over.
  7. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    The dealer in our area is no longer accepting deposits on the 2009 model; only the 2010. All of the 2009s are spoken for around here.

  8. RussellMcNeil

    RussellMcNeil New Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Nanoose Bay, BC
    Other Hybrid

    Please don't use my post as a reliable source of information. My point was that noone seems to have a clue about the 2009 Model year Prius. It's all speculation - and that's perhaps a good thing. Toyota needs to protect its product lines. But I am fairly certain that Toyota won't leave its customers with no options. My vehicle is also in its death throes but I am willing to wait until November or later if needed.
  9. sharblu

    sharblu Junior Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    2009 Prius
    Never intended to, RussellMcNeil. Who knows...maybe the 2009 will turn out to be like one of those limited editions. ;)
  10. RussellMcNeil

    RussellMcNeil New Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Nanoose Bay, BC
    Other Hybrid

    Are you certain that your dealer is now only accepting deposits for the 2010? Can you verify that? If this is true then there may be some substance to the speculation that the 2009 model year Prius will be a very short run indeed and that the 2010 will be released early - very early.

  11. ranchogirl

    ranchogirl New Member

    Jun 8, 2008
    Southern California
    2008 Prius
    Toyota dealerships already have the 2009 brochure and you can see a copy of it here on Prius chat (do a search for 2009 brochure). Bottom line is it is being released and it will be exactly the same as the 2008. All of the changes you mentioned above will apply to the 2010, which ironically will be released in 2009. (And the 2009 will be released in 2008, as always happens with cars).

    Ah - here you go -

    So really the only advantage of having a 2009 over a 2008 is a higher KBB value when it comes time to sell.

    I'm guessing around October, around the same time the Venza hits the Toyota lots. That's just my uneducated guess though. In reality it will depend on the size and the location of each individual dealership. I bet Hawaii and Guam gets 'em first. :)