Looking to buy a Prius.. I love the Salso Red color but not crazy about the tan interior. I love the gray interior but am not crazy about the silver, black, or white. Any Advice?
I wanted Seaside, but ended up with Driftwood. I'm dealing. The car is just amazing, I can live with a different color. My Odyssey had a tan interior so after 10 years driving it, tan in the Prius is fine. I rented a silver one before I ordered. The grey cloth is OK though I can't say *I* much cared for the maroon 'accents'.
Bruce is right. i got the color i wanted... only it doesnt even come close to matching the color swatch i saw at the dealership, or on line, or anywhere else for that matter. instead of a lt. greenish pastel, i got gray. period gray. not even remotely resembling the color swatch. when i first saw it, i thought oh well, didnt get my color choice after all. my dissapointment lasted about 15 seconds to be honest with you. i started driving the car and immediately became color blind. for the 2nd time in my life, i experienced true unconditional love... ok ok... maybe that last part is a bit of a stretch. but there is no way i was willing to wait another day much less 2 weeks, so took the car without hesistation. later i found out that it was my color choice. and yes i have pix of me and the rest of my family standing in the driveway dumbfounded...first looking at the car, then looking at the brousure, then looking at the color photo printed on good paper from the Toyota website that had been hanging on my wall for the previous 6 months marking my vigil as i waited for my baby to come in. and yes i guess, i should have been madder, more upset, gave Toyota a piece of my mind. but i didnt. The more i drove my Prius, the less importance the color began to have. as i said, i became color blind. if you dont feel the same about your car... MAACO
Hello, I concur with the above opinions. When I was in the market (almost 1 month ago) I wanted the Salsa Red (I thought) as well. Then, I was called by my dealership to come see one in the flesh. I went over and watched as they removed the shipping plastic from the seats and the vinyl stickers from the MFD so that I could test drive it. With 2 miles on the ODO the car's interior was already dirty. I loved the exterior but thought that the interior would look like garbage in my hands in no time so... I decided to re-think my choice. After saying to anybody who would listen (and to a few who would not) that I would under no circumstances consider anything but Red, Black or Driftwood (in that order) I wound up driving home in Silver. I was disappointedd about the exterior color for a fat 30 seconds or so (the amount of time it took for them to hand me my key/fob) and have been happy as a clam ever since. I did say that I might repaint her at some future date, but have since recanted that statement. After all the rain we had recently, muddy roads and splash back from other cars my car still looked great. I have since seen that the darker colors do not fair as well. It was also pointed out to me that should I ever want to resell my car (heresy!) Silver would be an easier color to sell as it would appeal to more people. As for the "burgundy" accents, personally I think that someone over at Toyota needs to put down their pipe and lay off the crack. The accent is no more "burgundy" that Tideland is Green. All I can think is that the colors must look different in Japan Don't get me wrong, I think that all the colors that they are using on these cars, past and present, here and abroad are beautiful (in their own way) but they are not WYSIWYG. I would advise you to choose the car like you choose a friend - it is what is on the inside that matters not what color its "skin" is. With a little makeup, people can look totally different and with a little paint, so can a car. All in all, once you have your hands wrapped firmly (but gently) around your steering wheel and your eyes on the road ahead you will find (as I have) that the world (and even traffic jams) now have a rosier cast when viewed through the windshield of a Prius. Good luck and take care, Tisza
i think tan looks much better than grey, its bright and is a nice offset to the to dark dash. grey interior has a dark burgandyish dash. If I were you I would definitely get red and re-upholster to leather of a color you like.
I appreciate all the advice. I went to two dealerships today. One had not one Prius to show or sell. I would need to order and wait. They were wanted to give me peanuts for my 2002 Saturn Vue as a trade in. Thay also told me it was not possible to get package 5 in my area as the Central distribution only makes packages 2,4, & 6 for my area. I then went to a different dealership who gave me a trade in price $1500.00 more then the previous dealership as well as a better price on my Prius. He had a black Prius for me to look at before the buyer (who was flying in from Georgia to picked up his car). here is the kicker, he has a Red Salso #5 waiting in a NY port to arrive at his Dealership within 1-3 weeks. Needless to say, I made up my mind and put money down on my little Salsa. I think it must have been fate. Thanks again!
As a Salsa owner, I know.... you will never look back. But am I really saving money with this car when I wash it three times a week? And that has nothing to do with the color, just my obessiveness to keep it clean.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mswhealer\";p=\"68894)</div> Yup, I know that feeling. That red is wonderful, but shows the dirt. The interior isn't tan, its IVORY. And it was a very nice suprise indeed, it is the correct color choice as far as I am concerned. Salsa is the color, it makes the car look sporty. White makes a Prius look larger, across a parking lot. Silver is the number one choice of car color in America now. The green colour of the Classic is vastly more appealing than the present 04/05 green to me.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cyclesome\";p=\"68855)</div> I think you mean your state. In the entire state of California, only packages 2, 4, and 6 are sold. But the good news is Arizona and Nevada both have packages 3, 4, 5, and 6, so the only one you can't get is the basically useless Package #1. Otherwise drive to Reno,NV on I-80 if you're in northern California, or I-10 to Phoenix if you're in southern California, and I'd imagine you'd have no trouble picking up your preferred package that way. That is what I will be doing because I want Package #5.
I started out wanting Salsa, that's all, nothing else. As I waited, I decided ok, anything but white or silver. Guess what came in for me first....silver. Suddenly, silver is a beautiful thing! In defense of Toyota, I would imagine it's near impossible to get an accurate color photo portrayal of Tideland. The darn thing actually changes colors depending on what light you're in. In my opinion, that's part of the charm. I had a Honda Accord a few years back that they called Sage. Same situation--it was either blue, green, or silver/gray depending on the light.
I ordered black in june of 04, was told 1 year wait. Jan. 31st of 05 my dealer called and said " I've been calling people on the list , 31 still in front of me, you're the first one to answer the phone. We had a customers car come in and when we told him it was here he backed out of the deal. Do you think you might be interested/" I'll be right there said I. I brought my 2 year old grandson with me , I get to pal with him on mondays, after he and I throughly checked out the car I asked him , well buddy what do ya think? Should grandpa buy this car? Yes! Was his reply. Sold! we"ll take it I said to the salesman. It was silver not black. It didn't have fog lites and vsc, but it did have the 6 disc changer jbl system. The color now does not matter. Every time I get into this car I feel great. It is a sort of love.
Hi All, First and foremost, congrats on getting your car. Definately let us know when you have picked it up. Also, just as an FYI in California it is packages 1, 3 & 6 that are available. Anything else would have to be special ordered or purchased in another state. The 1's show up once in a while, same with the 3's (like mine ) the 6's are far more prevalent. So, if you are looking for a 6 try a California dealership like Claremont Toyota or Carson. I have seen more on the Claremont lot than I have anywhere else, and they have started getting a few in that they have had the leather pack installed in. Looks nice but if it were me I would buy the car stock and then have the leather added as the add on is cheaper than getting the whole thing as a bundle ($26,742 + $1300 +/- if you add it after) ($26,742 + $3527 +/- as a bundle). Again, congrats and enjoy your car! Take care, Tisza
hmmm... ive had my tidelands pearl for nearly 9 months now and ive yet to see even vaguely resemble the color on their brousure. under certain lighting conditions it does seem to take on a greenish tint to it. but nothing like the color they portray.
I have the brochure, and while the picture of the Tideland car looks faintly yellowish or greenish, the Tideland Pearl swatch is clearly a dark gray. Also I've seen it in real life and it's gray, and every picture online I've seen of it is gray. Personally I'm not really excited by any of the colors offered. Have you seen those new Beetles with the pale yellowish-green paint scheme? Now that would be a beautiful color for a Prius. Also, for an actual color-shifting paint scheme that's gray and green, check this out. The paint is the silver/green paint by Mirage.
I’m beginning to think we have a bunch of gooey slobs on this board. The Ivory (tan) interior of my five month old Salsa baby has not shown any dirt, dust YES, dirt no . . . except for the floor mats . . . which is to be expected in winter. As for keeping the Salsa looking clean: Unless you are one of “them†who can’t stand a fleck on dirt showing on your car, Salsa is not a problem to keep looking “normal†clean. It doesn’t advertise dirt like a black car, nor does it hide a ton of dirt like a white car. It is somewhere ‘tween. So, if you are a gooey slob and one of “them†. . . you are going to wash the car like a hypochondriac anyway. I say get the color YOU want.
Regarding color - I must say I was suprised that Toyota didn't offer an electric blue option - it seems like it would be a perfect marketing synergy - not to mention the color I desperately wanted. Oh well - had to "make do" with black.