Term? It's a Russian rock band. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5FUJW9ty6g]YouTube - Ze Raskolnikoffs - "E-business" (live) 12.05.2007[/ame]
LOL! that was fast but I'm sure the term has a bit richer history than that. I believe it may have something to do with terrorism but not sure what. Wildkow
The only reference I know of is the protagonist of Crime and Punishment. I think he was more or less a vigilante. What was the context in which you heard it used?
OK that makes sense now but Grrrrrr, I closed the window I was reading about this character in and now I can't find it again. It was about terrorism and made reference to this term that I was unfamilar with it. Thanks! Wildkow
Ahhhh, here it is I'll have to go over it again to make sure I didn't miss anything. Osama, too good to be true. Part 1. Wildkow
Using a bit of Aussie logic and having no real idea I'll put in my 2 cents anyway. Raskolnikoff lets open it up Raskol nik off Rascal nick off a Rascal is a rat bag, a bit of a scalawag or criminal. In New Guinea a rascal is a member of a criminal gang. Nick off means, take a hike, go away, shoot through. So using this logically Raskolnikoff means criminals are not welcome here, or criminals go away.