Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis is my favorite comic strip. I just couldn't pass up sharing today's strip:
the mooning of dick cheney and exxon is perfect, my feelings exactly through my prius and HT...perfect thanks for posting Froley
There was also a Moderately Confused cartoon a few weeks back, the person was visiting a psychiatrist, something about OCD and his Prius only gets 56 mpg. I have it clipped out, I'll try to find it.
I love it! Almost makes me want to change my beloved Amapola's name to OPUS. In the unlikely event I ever get the Hymotion HV battery mod, it might just be a necessity.
Not Prius specific, but close enough for me:
Yup, Cathy started a Prius theme yesterday, should be running all week! If you miss one, you can catch up here: Comics, editorial cartoons, email comics, comic strips
Thanks for the heads up. I missed Monday's, so here it is ...
And Wednesday's Cathy: I love the "Sorry all gone" sign in the background of the last panel.
The Cathy storyline continues ...