It's official (and in the garage)! :bump2: I finally have a brand new Touring package 5 (with added leather) in Spectra Blue Mica. Still trying to figure out how to make everything work. I am sure I'll have questions but I have learned a lot here already! :typing: Did you know CD's actually fit in that little storage compartment under the CD player? Isn't that cool! First on my list of things to do is get rid of that annoying backup beep!
Hi there!! I got mine today too! You got my first color choice... but I'm happy with my second... silver pine mica I also want to kill that beep!
That's funny. I had considered the Silver Pine Mica. The only one I have seen was very nice. My husband thought the backup beep was such an important safety feature that I made him stand outside the car so he could discover that you can't hear the beep from there! Do you keep checking to make sure it is off and in P?
Yeah, for all of us new owners. I picked up my new baby last night and will try to relax and enjoy. Me being a non-tech kinda gal, is going to have plenty of learning to do just with the package #1. I have to say that I feel very fortunate to have gone thru this whole process in only 20 days. The dealership was great and even though it's a bit of a drive to go to the dealer where I bought the car, I'll do it. I don't want to use the dealer close to home that wanted to charge $5000 over MSRP. THANKS to all the seasoned Prius owners who have shared their experiences here on the chat and I hope to continue to learn.
Here are the "Kill the beep" instructions that worked great for me: To eliminate the beeps from seatbelts and reverse, follow these steps: 1. Power on the car ( IG-ON or READY) and using the Trip/ODO button, make sure ODO is displayed (not Trip A or Trip B). 2. Power off the car. 3. Now power on the car to READY (brake on). 4. Within 6 seconds of powering on, press and hold the Trip/ODO button for 10 seconds or more (there is no indication... just count) 5. WHILE STILL HOLDING ODO *after* the 10 seconds, shift the "gear" selector to R, then press the P button. Now release the Trip/ODO button. 6. If the last step was successful, "b on" or "b off" should be displayed in the location where the Odometer is normally displayed (front dash area). "b on" is beep on (default), and "b off" is beep off. 7. Press Trip/ODO to toggle the mode. 8. Power the car off to exit the toggle mode. 9. Good to go. I feel like a successful Prius owner now. Let me know how you do.
Hi everyone. I am a Newb. My 08 has 1600 miles on it now. I love my new toy ore than any car I have owned. I traded in my 2006 Pontiac G6 GTP for one. I have alot less power, but I am saving so much $$$. I am so happy. I have been averaging around 50 MPG. I have disabled the reverse beep and replaced the halogen light bulbs with Sylvania Silver stars. Are there any other must changes. Do I need to change the bulbs to the PIAAs?
First of all Welcome to PC!! You will find lots of good info here. To help get better MPG's change your tire pressure to 42/ front and 40 rear. That will give you a few MPG's more. Don't know about the bulbs But am sure someone else will advise. Hope This Helps! :lever:
Congratulations to all the new owners.. I also got rid of my seat belt beep on both seats, but if you wear it dont worry about that one...I added a basslink sub and tinted my windows also before the cold weather gets hear it pays to get an Engine Block Heater if you have somewhere to plug it up. Next on my list is a scan gauge...
Just curious where you live and where you bought your car? I'm in OC as well - RSM - and the RSM dealership wanted $4000 over invoice. I wound up buying at Mossy Toyota in San Diego.
just sent you a venting type of email, sorry. due to the extremely elevated prices i went with carlsbad toyota in s.d. county. maybe san diego county has a better ethical approach to selling than here in o.c.. if there's any in oc i don't think either of us were able to find them. trying to figure everything out. enjoy!
Please DO tell management at your local dealer WHY you didn't buy from them. The more people that refuse to pay their graft, the more likely they will stop. I know this is the U.S.A. where we think that it is our right to buy whatever we want, jumping the line with MONEY if necessary, but I was brought up differently (Yes, in the U.S.A., So Cal to boot.) Be patient, wait your turn and use the graft money to buy something else (like 56,000 miles worth of gas for your Prius!!)
Get SNOW tires for the winter. And watch the 42 front 40 rear on the Goodyear Integrity tires (presuming you don't have a touring model). They aren't real grippy so if they feel a bit 'loose', drop back a bit, and maintain the '2 PSI higher front than rear' difference
I would not stop the reverse beep noise until you have had the car for awhile. Until you get use to making the shifts and putting the car in park you will be safer. I guess I'm just a little too careful.
No need to check and no need to put it in Park, it will do that by itself when you Power off. Just another little time saver. It will beep at you if you open the door with the Power on. If you have a package with the SmartKey: You can not lock the car with the button on the front door handles if the fob is inside BUT if you use the door lock button on the armrest of the driver's door, you CAN lock the fob inside. If the car is Powered up and the person with the fob walks away, the car will continue to run as normal until you Power Off. (PCers decided long ago that this was probably a safety feature. In case the battery in the fob died or something while you are driving). Make sure you don't drop the person in possession of the fob somewhere then go off to do an errand, you won't be able to restart the car. One 'odd, but glad I remembered this' thing when it happened to me. If you come down a steep hill and the battery charge shows all green, the gas engine might start, surge, shut off and cycle this way for a bit when you stop (like at a red light). It is DRAINING some charge from the traction battery. It doesn't know if you will next be going up hill, on the flat or more down hill and is making 'head room' to store more regen and/or Braking 'gear' electricity. P.S. A Tardis would be fun, but I don't think our Prii come close
Bruceha2000, I took your advice and posted an email to the sales department of the closest dealer to me about their loss of my business and how the process of ordering and arrival of my car went. It will be interesting to see if I get a response. Thanks
What about the touring tire pressures? I'm about to take delivery and have read about the increased tire pressure recommendations, but the above is the first I've seen singling out the touring model. Is there a different inflation recommendation, or shoud I use the Toyota recommended pressures? Walt
I just found out today that the car does go into Park by itself. What a stress relief. Thanks for the tips. You are right the Prius is great - but a Tardis would be perfection!