I wish I had found this site before I paid sticker price for my Prius yesterday. I'm in seattle where the waiting lists are 2-4 months out and the downtown dealer said "no discounts" which I took at face value, but I should have at least tried! I gave them the check last night, but don't get the car until next week. Should I cancel the check and haggle elsewhere? or go online to buy one (I am patient and not in a hurry)? Thanks to this site I certainly won't buy their extended warranty or prepaid service plans, but maybe I could get them to throw the alarm in for free since I paid full price? Any help is appreciated, I'm as new as a newbie can be
If I understood you, you paid MSRP & are only waiting 1 week for your car? I would consider yourself lucky! You are not going to be able to haggle anybody on the price. A lot of dealers are now asking anywhere from $1000-$5000 above MSRP. Congrats on the new car.
Most of us in the Waiting List Support Group would be very happy with MSRP. That's what I will be paying but I'm seven weeks into my wait and you are picking yours up. I haven't seen anything about anybody getting anything off of MSRP so feel lucky and enjoy your ride.
That's exactly what I did. Found the car on carsdirect.com, went out there (50 miles) drove the car, wrote the check, and was out of there in 45 minutes. Easiest car I ever bought. Back in 06 they were quoting x weeks wait, deposit checks, and all kinds of BS. I guess I was lucky, too. Paid sticker + $500, but I at least got got pinstripes, and moldings for the doors, and wheel wells. I'm just not a haggler. If I can't afford it, I just don't buy it.
If you are happy, Do not read any further! I don't like to be skepticle and I don't know the law governing car sales in Washington, But it is my understanding that "sticker price" is not necessarily the same as MSRP. I've heard of dealers removing that factory sticker and replacing it with a "dealer sticker" with all kinds of additional charges and add-ons, which is illegal in some states. If it's MSRP plus (some mfg, delv, proc, hndlg charges usually under $750), it sounds like a great deal. If it is over MSRP, it's a matter of personal choice, as to whether it's a good deal up not. Good luck, I hope it's a good deal for you either way.
Here in NC (your area may vary) they post an "addendum" sticker next to the factory sticker. Cynics may believe that its only purpose is to make you feel better about getting down to the factory sticker price.
Yeah, I'd be surprised if it was legal to replace the factory sticker with a marked-up lookalike sticker in any state. The supplemental sticker is where they put the pinstripes and paint protection (luckily not on mine), as well as "local market adjustment" fees (ditto, but only by being early enough).
In my area (Nova Scotia ) it has been pretty standard that the sticker is what you pay when dealing with Honda and Toyota. American cars dealers will move some on the price but I would feel lucky if I got floor mats from an import dealer. Waiting for my Prius SE -2 weeks 6 2 go
I agree with the others: if you found a Prius (in the current Prius economy) consider yourself lucky. If you found you a Prius for sticker, consider yourself doubly lucky. Let us know when you take delivery and we'll celebrate with you!:clap2:
I only mentioned it because it was posted by a m,ember on PC. It have have happened in Texas. I don't remember where. It may acutally be a federal law. Anyway, the story goes something like this: when they went to pick it up, it was way over the MSRP. THE FACTORY STICKER had been removed. I think they were coerced into paying the price and later went back threatening to report them. Please I don't remember the exact details, but that's where I heard about it happening and that there were some laws governing the practice. I think it's illegal to remove the factory sticker. It is legal to add a sticker showing the additional charges. If I get a chance later I'll try to find the post
thank you thank you. I no longer feel sick to my stomach, but rather like celebrating. And I will b/c I didn't buy the extended warranty or the prepaid service plans and now I know to buy it here (warranty) and bag it (service plans) Happy Friday
You can go to Toyota Cars, Trucks, SUVs & Accessories, "Build Your Own" and find the MSRP. (I don't know what the "sticker price" means.) the web site has you fill in your zip code so proper area adjustments are made. I signed at $500 under MSRP, 4 weeks back, still waiting. I tried to get free mats, or one free oil change, the sales person just looked at me like I was crazy! Ah well, that's the Prius market just now. You better be SMILING! You done good!
I also did not haggle. I figured once I started the haggle some discount would have to be given or I would walk out (some sort of male pride thing). I did not want to leave without the car so I saved myself the grief. Reading this thread makes me feel like my discount was the "no haggle". I would however bought the Corolla before paying above MSRP.
The point was deceptive practices, not price. The price that the customer thought they had agreed to, that they could afford, was several thousands higher when they went to pick it up. Dealer had added all kind of dealer installed options and accessories and prep charges. If you make me a deal for 30K and when I go to pick it up you tell me I have to come up with another 5K to drive it off of the lot. I'm not going to sit there, smile and say thank you sir, even if I can afford. If that's what you want to do that's your choice. I would go to another dealer even if I end up paying the $35K, as long as the dealer was honest with me up front. If it's what I want and can afford it, I'd rather give my business to the dealer that's honest than perpetuate the shaddy practices of some dealer's. I gon't like to haggle either. That's why I do my homework up front. I have a pretty good idea of what the going price is, in an given area, what MSRP is, what I can afford, and what I will to pay, before I ever talk to a sales rep.
I'm new to this forum, and just got my Prius 3 days ago! I checked every dealer in S CA and found the only one NOT selling over sticker was Longo Toyota in El Monte, so just wanted to give them a plug. There is a wait, but other dealers in this area are selling for around $5,000 over sticker. My purchase was easy and very pleasant. I think I'm gonna love this car!