My 2004 Prius has 95,000 miles on it, so it's way out of warranty. Recently, one of the LED bulbs in the passenger side brake assembly has started blinking when I step on the brakes. It works sometimes and doesn't work others. I stopped off at Rockingham Toyota in Salem, NH to order a new bulb and was appalled to find out that Toyota doesn't list it as a replaceable part. I have to replace the entire assembly. Cost? Almost $300!!! Has anyone yanked out their brake light assembly and debugged it? Is it an easy fix or is it encased in epoxy? Does anyone know the part number for the single LED bulb? I called Toyota CS to complain about this as it's a design flaw that's been carried forward through the '08 model year. So far, they act like it's a service problem, having the Rockingham service manager call me to see what he can do. I keep telling them it's not a service problem, it's a design flaw that the mothership needs to address. BTW, I searched all over the Internet about this and it seems that I am one of the few people that have ever encountered this. Are these LED lights that reliable? Kevin
Yes, the LED lights are that reliable. Making them replaceable would cause more problems than good. With LEDs you want to seal them inside without any connectors. Connectors are one of the main failure points for any electronics, so when you get a part with a good MTF you make it non-replaceable. Overall, it's cheaper to replace an expensive assembly rarely than to add connectors with their associated costs and complexity. Unfortunately for you, you got the one in a million long shot and get to pay. Tom
Without looking at the assembly, I will say that if you or a friend are determined enough, you could replace the LED. You can get LEDs at Radio Shack or electronics suppliers. They cost from $0.05 to about $2 each, depending on where you get them and what type they are. For $300 I'd be working on the faulty assembly! It shouldn't take a good tech more than an hour. We usually charge in the range of $50/hr. That's a pretty good savings!
Hi Kevin, It is not difficult to remove the taillight assembly. I encourage you to do so and see whether it is possible to repair it. As you indicated that an LED light is intermittent, it could be that all that is required is to fix a loose connection. You may be able to find a small circuit board that contains series resistors to limit the current flow to each LED; if this board is accessible, then the root of the problem may become evident. If you are able to repair the assembly, please take and post a few photos of your work!
Bresna, Another option may be to find a used one from a parts recycler. (Car world in Candia is a large one). How did you notice it was blinking ? Is there a dash light for a burnt bulb? Greeting from Southern NH. I work in Salem and picked up my 2008 1 week ago from Rockingham. Cheers Chris
Unfortunately, there is no dash light to let you know that a bulb is out. My wife just happened to be driving behind me a few weeks ago and she noticed it. I do plan to pull the assembly this weekend to see if I can find a cold solder joint. I hope it's that simple. BTW Chris, you'll love the Rockingham service group. I can't say enough good things about them.
Look! Maybe I'm missing something here, but! The Bentley Repair manual instructions for the taillight housing are: After warnings and instructions to make sure your Prius is "OFF" Working in cargo compartment, remove taillight housing service cover. - Remove two mountring nuts. - Gently pry housing to disengage pins from vehicle. - Detach electrical connector. - Replace bulbs as necessary. Do not touch bulb glass with your fingers. Installation is reverse of removal. That noted. If the manual is not blowing smoke, it would seem the the individual bulbs are not only replaceable, but, indivually replaceable. Unless they are charging $300 for an LED. I do not have our Prius yet so I can't check it out, but there must be someone here in PC that would know. The manual could be wrong, but it supposedly covers 2004 thru 2008. I know the HID headlight runs in that price range but I didn't think the taillights did. Hope this may have been of some help.
Hi Dave, The OP has a problem with one of the six LED lights that make up the brake light portion of the rear combination light assembly. Those LEDs are not user-replaceable. The combination light assembly also includes a reverse light, a tail light, and a turn light. Those are incandescent bulbs which are individually replaceable.
Hello Kevin, I have just come across this thread and I am experiencing a very similar problem, in my case my one of the bulbs is dead. Did you manage to change the bulb or perhaps you could tell me if replacing it is possible. the garage in the UK wants to charge a lot of money to replace the whole unit. Thanks