ScanGauge mounting

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by mcurley68, May 22, 2008.

  1. tmanson

    tmanson Geetar-playin' Traveler

    Nov 7, 2007
    Frederick, MD
    2008 Prius
    It sure does Rest! Thanks a lot. :)

  2. Raider

    Raider New Member

    Aug 6, 2007
    I just got my black DashMat and have attached the ScanGuage to the DashMat using velcro, placed on the Upper Instrument Panel. It's viewable through the steering wheel, does not get any glare from bright lights/sun, probably because I had window tint installed all around. I think it's easier to read in this location, than inside the storage pocket below the radio.
    The wiring was fed between the steering column and the dash, into the ScanGuage port on the right-hand side.

    Velcro on the DashMat is proving to be better than Velcro on the textured dash.
  3. Highly ImPriused

    Highly ImPriused Impressive Member

    Mar 15, 2007
    Western NY
    2007 Prius
    I have mine mounted in the box below the radio and it's a nice clean installation/not visible with the box closed. After removing the lower gray panel mentioned here, I was able to reach up behind the box and confirm that there were no wires in the way and that I would have enough room to drill though. I then very carefully and slowly drilled through the back of the box from the inside. I was able to snake the wire up and though the hole from the back, but this was a bit of a painstaking process. I found that wrapping the connector end with a bit of electrical tape helped get it through without risking damage to the clip. I also purchased a second cable from Linear Logic so that I can leave this one in my car when I want to take the SG unit out and use it on another vehicle.

    My only problem with this location is that it's a bit out of my line of site to keep checking while driving. One thought I've had is that the area behind the "blank" panel above the radio controls (and right below the mfd) would be very convenient*. Does anyone know if there is room behind that area to install it? The problem would be that I'd have to custom cut the plastic panel to make it fit in. I think it could look OK and would be a very convenient location, but I haven't gotten around to investigating further. I'd also be afraid to make a mistake and damage the plastic panel when trying to make the cut out.

    *Edit: After looking into it a bit more, I believe the radio unit is behind that panel. I thought there might be room above the radio unit and below the CD player, but it doesn't appear that way based on the XM installation dash removal pics that were linked to a few posts before mine.
  4. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius
    Re: ScanGauge mounting -- Thinking Outside the Box

    Was browsing in the PriusChat shop and saw the Pro-Clip Center Mount.

    Seems to me it might serve as an excellent eye-level mounting location
    for the ScanGauge. The SG would have to be sticky taped or hook-and-loop
    fastened to the mount plate.

    The SG has two data ports; one on the back, and one on the right side. I
    think, but I'm not sure, you can use either to input data. For this to work,
    the right-side port would have to accept data input.

    I'm wondering if PriusChatters were politely insistent enough, Danny might
    go to Pro-Clip and ask for a ScanGuage specific mounting plate that the SG
    just dropped into. That way it would be easy to demount it and slip it into
    the center console or some other hidey-hole when the vehicle was unoccupied.
    It would be really cool if it had a built-in or clip-on sun visor too.

    Pro-Clip already makes many product/model specific holders that connect to
    their various mounts. I don't think this would be such a pipe dream as I'm
    sure that there are many owners of other vehicle makes that are scratching
    their heads over where to mount their SGs too.

    [Edit] In the best of all possible worlds, the SG mounting plate could be a PC
    exclusive, but it would be capable of mounting to any of the many Pro-Clip
    mounts. That could mean a whole lotta $$$, and maybe the end of those
    irritating ads.

    For more info if needed:

    PriusChat Shop : ProClip Center Mount - Toyota Prius [853437] - $34.99

    ProClip Mounting System

    Attached Files:

  5. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Rokeby -

    Thanks for the idea & the PM letting me know about your idea! I am actually getting a pro-clip mount in today for me to test with, and I'll take a look into what it'll take to make a SGII mount for it.
  6. Rest

    Rest Active Member

    Aug 13, 2005
    2007 Prius
    While it is a clean install I am not a fan of clips that block my air vents.
  7. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius
    The pix shows that the Pro-Clip base only clips to the very upper edge of the
    vent. It shouldn't interfere with or block the air flow, unless you're doing a
    bank shot off the roof.

    But even if a small stream of cool air should follow the Center Mount due to
    stiction or viscosity and curve up and be directed against the ScanGauge,
    this would be a good thing. With luck, it would keep the SG cool and prevent
    or minimize the fading of the display screen letters/numbers that occurs
    when the unit gets heated by the sun.

    In addition to being at nearly eye level, this location also puts the SG in a
    position where it would be easy to fiddle those little buttons to switch
    between standard gauges and X-Gauges on the fly -- if you have any
    programmed in.

    What's most intriguing about getting Pro-Clip to make a ScanGauge specific
    mounting plate is that it would work on Pro-Clip mounts that can be
    positioned all over the dash area. Check out some of the generic bases at
    the Pro-Clip site, such as this suction one that would move the SG out closer
    to the focal length of the speedometer, thus making the SG easier/faster to

    ProClip Mounting System  - Window Suction Base

    This might actually be better than the Prius specific Center Mount for SG
    mounting -- Danny, maybe you should stock this mount too. To be a super-
    clean, near OEM installation, we'd still need a SG specific mounting plate,
    with a clip-on sun visor.

    Standard Disclaimer: Other than owning, using, and loving my ScanGauge, I
    have no financial interests in SG or the PriusChat Store, nor receive any
    remuneration whatsoever from them.