Unlike the doofus who tried to sell his US Presidential Election vote on Ebay . . . USATODAY.com - Authorities halt man's eBay offer to sell vote I am lobbying to pay for your vote for the first PriusChat Topic Of The Month award (July 2008) . . . http://priuschat.com/forums/topic-month/50939-topic-month-july-2008-a.html I hereby pledge to take my winnings of the $25 gift certificate to the PriusChat Accessory Shop, DOUBLE IT, and make a $50 donation to the . . . Shriner's Hospitals for Children research program. And I will make the donation in honor of "Noble PriusChatters"! (CAUTION: Non-noble PriusChatters . . . those who don't vote for me . . . WILL NOT BE HONORED! ) Shriners Hospitals for Children: How You Can Help I will provide proof to Danny of making said donation. Until I do so (could be as late as 8/7/08 as I will be on vacation at a niece's wedding), he can withhold awarding me the badge of honor and $25 gift certificate. [of course he can! ] If I fail to provide proof, he can erase my votes and award it to the next person in line. SOOOOO . . . If you would like to help poor, unfortunate, sick children . . . just click on the in the lower right corner of this post. This is not a joke! It WILL happen . . . if YOU do your part. Just click!
I'd love to help you out, SPE. But it appears that posts to FHoP and FHoPol aren't eligible. Put this bad boy out in the Main Forum and you got yourself a deal.
Thanks for the info Proco. I moved this to the main Prius Forum. Follow this link, then make sure to vote. http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-main-forum/51025-topic-month-i-will-buy-your-vote.html#post672820 Thanks, Patrick
Many thanks. Now I know what "TOTM Awards" means. When did Prius chat get so lame? And a counter for "Friends"? What's next - a laugh track?
Thanks for the bump. And thanks for being a stand-up kind of guy for voting for my thread after I moved it over to the Main Prius Forum, where it would qualify for the voting. http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-ma...tml#post672820 I could definitely use some more support, and a bump or two in the Main Forum, especially considering the scorn and ridicule I have received for what was supposed to be a fun and lighthearted thread. 'Someone' even seems to be on a warpath against my thread by voting for many other threads for TOTM to help keep mine down in the ratings. What else could explain voting for six threads in about 13 minutes. 6 votes, 13 munutes
:bump: C'mon ... head over to Patrick's post on the Main Forum and vote for it. There's just a little over a week to see if we can make him pay 50 bucks for a 25 dollar gift certificate.