I have a 2005 with about 50,000 miles. No payments. Trying to decide if I should sell now and buy a 2009 or wait until the 2010 is released. I get about 48 mpg with the 05. Is there supposed to be such a differnce in mpg between the 09 and 10 that it pays to wait? Waiting will of course increase the mileage on my 05 which will in turn decrease what I get for the vehicle. Any thoughts would be most welcomed and appreciated.
I'd wait until at least 2010 mostly because your car has so few miles on it. At your current miles per year even buying a new car in 2010 doesn't make economic sense, but I fully appreciate the fun of a new car.
I would drive your current car until it is no longer viable to repair. I hope to drive mine at least 250,000 miles if I live that long.
I see no point in buying a 09 because it is the same model type as yours. Wait till the 3rd generation comes out. At least that way you feel like you bought a new car.
I was all set to buy a new Prius. Had done my research, gotten quotes, and had my checkbook ready... Unfortunately, I finally made the decision the weekend before Memorial Day, when the demand for Priuses was skyrocketing, as folks were suddenly realizing the gas price skyrocket wasn't about to come down any time soon. It was almost comical - the dealers weren't used to the demand either, and all swore they could get me what I wanted... because they all saw the same darned car on their computer inventories. Unfortunately, that car just wasn't there anymore, and all the dealers who told me they could get it, couldn't. I even laughed at one who swore up and down he could get the car - it was at a dealer the other side of town, he'd drive over and get it the next morning. I told him to call me when he had the car, and I'd be there that day with my checkbook. He never called. So I became disgusted with it all, decided it was the Worst time to buy (Toyota had apparently woken up to the demand, and started limiting dealer shipments too, and raised MSRPs). I thought I'd wait for the new Prius I'd heard about, with slightly better mileage and slightly more power. Well now it looks like that's the 2010, and I can't wait that long. (My '88 Celica is limping along.) So I guess I'll opt for a 2009. I know it's not the "new generation", but I'm wondering whether the '09s will be any different at all from the '08s. Is there any point in waiting for the year number to change, or will '09s be identical to '08s? Thanks for any information or pointers! -- garyZ
There are multiple threads that discuss this. The 2009 is a carry-over of the 2008. In one thread someone even added a scan of the 2009 brochure.
I would wait. Why would you get the old model Prius ? The new 2010 will be available in Aprill 2009 and it will be much much much beter. I got mine $500 deposit on the 2010, and from what i heard i shoulbe the one of the first to get it.
What is the price difference between the 2010 and the 2009 expected to be and is there a trade-in policy to "upgrade" to the 2010?
No one knows for sure as the 2010 hasn't been officially announced by Toyota. Has there ever been a trade in policy for any car by any manufacturer?
Not that it would be bad to buy a 2010 model year Prius, but just imagine that next year, 2009, folks might be saying 'there will be a new, new Prius in one more year, the 2011 with plug-in capability and Lithium type hybrid battery'.
honestly, i would try selling it now at an premium when gas prices are still very high... next year, old model price has to go down due to 2010 - and keep in mind that they will double the production for next gen Prius, so unless it becomes more popular than Camry, it wont be as hard to find...
Speaking of the plug-in option. IS there any firm date on when that will be available? Are they makking a plug-in add on available for existing models? Thanks, Stuttgart Tim ('05 Seaside Pearl, loaded, though I cannot use the GPS)
The 2009 is identical to the 2005 besides very minor accessories and options, so it makes no sense spending a lot of money on basically the same car. The 2010, on the other hand, is a different car -- the next-generation model. And it's possible it'll be out in as little as 7 months. Of course the wait time will be fairly large but there's no reason in rebuying the same car you have now.