I have a 08 Prius that was in a previous front end collision that required the radiator and condensor to be replaced. Everything else has been restored but the recharge of the A/C system. It's no longer under warranty because of the collision.... My questions is, How much of the ND-11 Oil do I use?, Where do I insert it? and how much freon do I use? I already purchased the Oil from the toyota dealer and it comes in a regular bottle with a twist off cap with hardly any oil inside. It would have to be poured in something or directly in the high or low pipes of the A/C system. I tried asking the dealer about it and they pretended they didn't know, they advised me to find it on the internet. Quite disappointed of all the business that was done with toyota and all they can say is that! I would appreciate any feed back or technical input given. Thanks!
Suggest you consult techinfo.toyota.com which is a subscription website where you can download repair manual pages. Good luck.
I posted a couple of pages related to the ND-11 oil in this thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/knowledge-base-articles-discussion/50679-c-oil-replacement.html
I put 1.4 oz oil in the line from the A/C gauges to the low side line on the prii as I only replaced the condenser...When I added the 134 It blew it right in...Be sure to evacuate the system first....
I ended up calling another dealership and had it recharged by them for $125 and also returned the oil I bought to the other dealership that gave me the hassle. Apparently each dealership is independently owned; thank goodness for that! The A/C is working perfectly.... Thanks for all your responses.