We are expecting to take delivery on our Prius at the end of this month. When I asked our Dealer about the RS3200 alarm he went with me to the service desk who sent us to the parts department. The parts guy said the alarm is a a kit which includes a module which have to be installed. When I called Toyota customer service they said the alartm is a dealer installed item and to check with the dealer. How can I verify if there is hardware to install for the Toyota RS3200 alarm w/o glassbreak? Has anyone had a after market alarm installed that is totally passive and works witht the smartkey feature?
Are you sure you need one? It's not possible to steal a Prius without using the fob except by hauling it away on a flatbed; and if someone wants to break in to search for valuables an alarm won't prevent it. In those cases an alarm will do little if any good.
We haven't decided for sure if we would want to add an alarm but wanted to get the facts straight about the Toyota alarm and any other options. I think the alarm sounding in a motel parking lot would help get the thief to leave quicker than no alarm. We do understand that the Prius comes with the disable feature to help prevent stealing the car. :typing:
I've actually never heard of anyone getting an alarm for their Prius. You have a good idea -- use the time you are waiting to find out which "extras" they will offer you. Use the time wisely and do your research on each item. PC users are a great resource to find out what they thought of the extras and if it was truly worth it.
ive posted about this before, if you have the cd changer + bluetooth, then you already have the alarm, and you do not need the rs3200. you can get a glass breakage sensor if you want that. a while ago toyota used to report in error that the rs3200 and the GBS were two different options that could be installed in that package, but no more the default alarm will sound off if someone opens a door or the hood and having the car alarm go off when someone breaks a window is extra you can save money by buying the GBS, installing it yourself, then just paying the dealer to turn it on for you. you can test the alarm by lowering the windows, locking the doors, and then reaching through the window to unlock the door without the key
no window alarms are extra. that is the glass breakage option. you have to pay extra for that. the regular alarm should come activated and it will go off if someone opens a locked door. dont ask for 'rs3200', just ask for gbs, if you ask for rs3200 they might charge you $300 to install some stupid thing in the trunk with extra remotes as a worse case scenerio.
I appreciate your second reply. I understood your first reply and mistyped about the window and meant hood.
i got another thread going on the main forum about the prius alarm systems, and what we need to know is if you have a base prius or a prius with option packages 1 or 2 and you get the "security system upgrade" for $359 MSRP, is just for turning on the alarm? or is that also a glass breakage sensor? if you have the factory alarm then the total MSRP price for an installed glass breakage sensor is $165 turning on the factory alarm without a glass breakage sensor should be somewhere between free and 1 hour of labor
I got a dealer installed allarm thrown into my package 2 '08, because the dealer had allready put it in and someone decided they didn't want the car. (Can you imagine??!!) With pack. 2, I was told the alarm needs to be added on. Probably not really needed for this car, but we live clse to to the border in San Diego, and my wife wanted it, so since it was a free addon anyway for us.... Not sure I'd pay extra for it though. Jeremy