When starting, something like this on screen - "Your parking position is not working properly. This maybe due to that you parked in an uneven space. Try park at a level ground and start again." which means you can't park anywhere in San Francisco. Don't know why some designer even thought about writing such an error message. Another case of all-your-base-are-belong-to-us syndrome?:roll:
Is it possible that one of your doors was open? I think this is the less-than-accurate message you get when the car is on but a door is open. Or is it that the car is in [P] and a door is open. Either way, yes, I've seen it.
I got the same message when my 12v Aux battery was dying. The car would turn on, but I guess it wouldnt boot all the way up or something. I could never get the car into park when I put it in D, or something like that. Cant remember exactly, but the problem went away when I replaced the 12v battery. Havent seen it since. Oh ya, and I was parking in my garage, which is perfectly level and it was still giving me that error.
That should be it! Yes, Prii get fail-prone 12v batteries. At least heard of 2 cases of in-warranty bad battery, one of them being DOA. The point was, what should be the legitimate circumstance for that error message?
ya, I'm dealing with that now also. Will replace the 12v bat and report back again if message continues.