One tank! Count me in! Just let me know where I am supposed to end up. Since I am getting about 500 miles on a tank (10 gal fill up) I will work on increasing my mileage so that I can go further. I want to be in the 700 mile club! Take care, Tisza
1 tank to New Orleans. 8) And if ever there's a meetup in New Orleans we can all say it took us one tank to get there, we got tanked while there & then one tank to get back. Just sayin'!
For reference - this US map shows three circles of 600 miles radius each, centered in Reno, Washington D.C. and the crazy party town of Wichita. It covers most of the continental US.
How about Eugene, OR? It's centrally located on the West Coast. I've been told that we have the highest per capita Prius ownership. I believe it....I see Prius's everywhere!!!
National Prius Flash Mob I suggest that we have 3 meetings (west, mid & east) concurrently, sort of like a national 'Prius Flash Mob'. We will inform the news media to cover the event too. I personally wouldn't want to drive more than one full tank distance (500 miles radius). Come on guys, this is a BIG country! :wink:
I definitely love the idea of the 1 tank meetup, or east/west/central. If I got more vacation time, I would love the excuse to drive out to CA, but as it is I'm very protective of my vacation days
Topika KS is dead center of U.S. Most major event held at the town like SCCA season final. But anywhere able to drive from Fox Car Rental(A.K.A Hybrid Rent a Car) is location that would be sweet. :mrgreen:
Reno would be wicked hot in August and we would have to be careful to avoid 'Hot August Nights' and all the 'classic' automobiles.
Recommendations for consideration are: East: Richmond, VA; centrally located and cheaper than DC Midwest: Chicago; hey, even Mayor Daley has purchased a number of Prii for city use; lots of convention space and hotel choices. Cub game anyone? West: Las Vegas; who doesnt like Vegas? Cheap hotels, meals and what happens in Vegas, stays,,,,,well, you know the rest. However, being a baseball nut, I still like Danny's original idea of a national road show targeting locations with major league teams. Start in DC (hey, someone has to go to the National games) and move on from there circumnavigating the US picking up the Prii faithful for various segments of the trip.
That's awesome, V8! I love it. From the map (great job, CitizenjaQ), it looks like Chicago went from "near the middle" to "600 miles from everywhere." On the other hand, do we Chicagoans qualify to attend two? It is very strange that Wichita is right in the middle. Though it would seem that ND is a little discriminated against. Maybe the center should be more North between Wichita and Omaha. We will have to host a possible five US meet-ups. Let's not forget the 500-mile radii that includes Hawaii and Alaska. :-D [eddited to add...] Additionally, I would be in favor of a meetup in or near Columbia, SC.
... hmm.. 5 meet up is a good idea.. but is there any way to "connect" them.. live broadcast? that would be cool. lol.. ok.. i need a nap. lol. Detroit wasn't my idea. Someone posted it earlier. I like the idea and felt bad because they were just browsed by *shrug* it happens. If we did meet in Drtroit.. we would collect all the Prius and make a huge circle around GM ford has done an OK job so far. I don't get why there next hybrid is going to be a replica of the escape though.. have some imagination. *shrug* focus hybrid! why not? it would kill the prius in sales. *shrug* nap time!
I could go for that Everyone could stay at my new house! Well, not everyone... I am liking more and more the idea of having regional "1 Tank Meets" and then perhaps every few years (3?) we could have a big National gettogether and possibly incorporate our other Hybrid brethren by then.
Danny, What you would need is to approach all the vendors whose products people have bought and installed in the Prius, all the XM, seat covers, speakers, body mouldings, high end window tints, (Huper Optik), Toyota, mudflaps, correctly painted mudflaps, dash kits, Toyota accessories, such as the all weather/severe use floor mats, tire people, car front end protection films, hitchs for bikes, roof racks, easy oil change valve people. Get these guys to come and do installs at these meets. Have sessions about: Winter driving tips, snow, ice Best MPG technique Keeping the car interior clean, best practices. Have John1701a come and speak. Do pics on cups, mugs plates, get one or more of those vendors to come and do that work on stuff. Get an artist to do the 30 minute while you wait artwork with the owner and Prius done together stuff. Have a "basic maint" session where doing your own oilchange is gone over, etc. There is so much that can be done, and people would love to come to a place where they can get those custom wheels, accessories, that fit, get some instruction. Incorporate a Buena Vista Prius tour of grand sights to see, a touring stretch of 20/30 miles.
Hi Everybody, I think that from what I am seeing it might be time for someone to decide the what's, when's and where's so that we could all start getting things in place. After all, August is only a scant 5 months away. Really close if you are planning an event. So...I am nominating Danny, the PriusChat guru and founder to make the call. I know that this thread was started by someone else but I think that we can all agree with Danny as the point person here. I will offer up my services if there is involvement for the west coast including Vegas. I am pretty good at getting free stuff donated (actually it is a particular speciality of mine). I eagerly look forward to the future developments of this idea. I will start saving for my tank of gas now (let's see if I put a dime away a day...) Take care all, Tisza
Those 600-mile-radius circles are not set in stone, obviously. Just wanted to give everyone a visual idea of what that would entail. Most of Florida got shafted, too, 'because I wanted to make sure New Hampshire was representin'. I actually like the idea of one meetup for the whole country, since there are already regional "clubs" that can set up their own meets, but doing super-regional meets all on the same day might be more practical than one nationwide meeting.
The reason I like a National Meet is that it should attract our #1 potential sponsor, TOYOTA. As we all share a common interest in the car, it makes sense for us to find ways to get more of a voice with the manufacturer! Also, on the VENDORS.... typically at the shows, not only do they display, but they install as well. For instance, Katzkin could have folks there to do "while you wait" leather interior installations -or Coastal installing their goodies.
I was just ribbing you, Citizen, on the circles. I'm glad you made the map because it put things into perspective. I also guessed that you were trying to put the centers on major metropolitan cities: San Francisco, Washington D.C., and Wichita. I'm really not attempting to stir the pot here, but I would like to point out that a straight-shot 600 radius often results in a much longer driving-route trip. I point this out only because if we are going to have "one-tank" meets, we need to make sure people are consuming only one tank. And the only reason I'm bringing this up is because I seriously hope that there will be some media coverage somewhere. Just think of how great it would be to say honestly that only one tank of gas was used to get from the farthest point to the meet. Citizen, I'm guessing that you picked 600 miles just for perspective and again, your map is great. I'm just thinking that for reality's sake, we might want to tighten it up even though this will create more meets across the country. Believe me, I would really start creating a new map with smaller circles based on actual driving distances covering all corners of 48 states, but I'm in a meeting right now in another state and probably should start paying attention. In an hour I drive to the airport. Feel free to think I'm just trying to cause trouble. If 'the masses' decide that I'm wrong, that's fine with me.