My husband and I were driving the Prius the other day. As we drive we point out other Prius cars. We are noticing more and more that we seem to be on the younger end of the spectrum here, in our town. We thought that we would put a poll up and see if we are right. We have yet to meet another Prius owner in person also. Megan
How come the poll result percentages don't add up to 100%? As I look at it right now, with 4 votes, the percentages add up to 125%.
Yes i did set it up because I wasn't sure if more than one driver in the household would fall under different categories. Its Interesting I put in our vote for 26-30 Megan
The only problem is that if you have 2 or more drivers in the same age range, you can't select that choice multiple times. Oh well, minor issue I'm sure. One could always log out and back in under a different user name for the other driver if they felt they really had to be included. Incidentally, I'm 34 and I don't recall seeing any Prius drivers in my neck of the woods that are obviously in their 20s. Maybe a few others in their 30s, but most seem to be in their 40s or 50s around here.
Sadly that wasn't an option, I selected all options I could so there could be multiple votes. Still interesting to see. Glad to see people voting :high5:
I think this poll is really checking to see the age of PC users which will be a lot lower than the average Prius driver. Mostly old 70+ people driving Prii where I live. I know because I wave excitedly at them and they look at me like they just stepped in dog poo. G
I just turned 26 yesterday, I would love to meet someone around my age that drives a prius. everyone that owns one in my area belong to AARP. I am not making fun of old people I am just stating the facts that I am at least 40 yrs younger than the people I see driving them. BOOOOOOOO
Agreed. I'm 21 and although I know a couple other people in my "age bracket" who own a Prius, 90% of them that I see out on the road everyday are driven by folks who are MUCH older. Isn't it strange that so many elderly people have one? Wouldn't you expect that they would be more skeptical and slower to adopt the new technology? Tim
Find some local hybrid groups to join or visit. You'll meet people from all ages! Hubby & I with our Prii are 58 & 56. I think older people may be interested because they have outgrown that stage where you have to drive something fast or hot. Been there, done that. Even for a middle aged broad, I'm very "techy" and admit that I, too, am surprised there are so many even older than ME who are driving them.:clap2:
Hi Tim, My dad bought one of the first 2001 Prius shipped to Hawaii, when he was 85 yrs old. He was a strong promoter of the hybrid system; I laughed and said the Prius was just an expensive Toyota Echo. He subsequently bought a 2004; I offered to buy the 2001 from him but he gave it to me. Then I realized what I had been missing... I later bought the 2004 from him when he decided to buy a 2007 so that he could get the rear view camera...
My fiance (24) and I (27) have noticed that there's been an increase in the number of young Prius drivers in our city. We live in a university town, though. My father is adamant that when he comes to visit, everyone probably assumes it's his car. I try to wave to other Prius drivers, and when I do, my dad's response is always "See? That driver's my age (59)!"
Perhaps...but it may be that the Prius's cost is prohibitive to many younger people. It's not a cheap car, and until we bought our car, everyone I knew who had one was much more settled and established.
It's all the baby boomers Tim, so many things invented for this group that high tech is 2nd nature and welcomed..... well certainly by me, but it's getting ever harder to keep up.