The twins, By patsparks at 2007-10-13 Like Danny Devito and the Governator. 1968 MS55 Toyota Crown and 2004 NHW20 classic silver metalic Prius. And with other relatives, mine in the forground and my department's 2008 silver Prius iTech in the background. By patsparks at 2007-09-28
Four stickers are required, including one on either rear fender. They save me about 30 minutes on my daily commute and also add a substantial amount to the car's market value; so I would say they are beautiful!!
Hi Pat, The Crown looks like it is in great condition. How many miles; and how do you get replacement parts?
I have friends who are into them and I'm a member of a classic Crown MSN group which helps. One of my friends has a lot of new old stock for these which he was given when a dealer was throwing it out. I bought a new genuine dash pad. Being a Toyota you never really need parts much. By patsparks at 2008-06-29 Sorry it is blured, I just took it in black darkness. has 16733 MILES on it, and no it hasn't been around the clock. Was owned by an elderly man who couldn't drive due to health issues so he locked it in a garage (junk or car?) for 28 years so I was told. It had the brake hydraulics overhauled before I bought it, although there were still brake issues I had to fix. I have put about 1500 miles on this car in the last 4 years but most of those were in the first year.
Picked up my yesterday and got windows tinted today. Anyone knows does a map dvd comes with the navigation equipped model?
Hi Prius_zero, welcome to PriusChat! :welcome: You should have a map DVD in the reader under the driver's seat. What happens when you press the Map button?
There's a bunch in Albuquerque, including mine. I'd post a pic but they all look alike, and I don't have a pic with cool background. Seems like most Prii they get in stock here are silver, and very few pine mica.
I went out this morning and as I turned left out of my street there was another silver Prius tuning right into my street. Good to know the natural balance was maintained.
Yes. My new silver one was to be here sometime between 7/17/08 and 7/22/08 so it should be here Monday or Tuesday. Like others on this list, I ordered a different color (green) but had to settle for silver. I'd like something in a warmer tone but basically, the color shouldn't matter too much. Silver just seems a mite sophisicated for me. I guess I'll have to start wearing dockers now and wave goodbye to my CRV. Mick
To the Moderators ... Can we make a special section on the site for the clubs, like the Classic Silver Club? That would make the threads much easier to find.
My Classic Silver Prius has finally arrived and I've been driving it for 3 days now.So far (through the rolling mounds of the Appalachian foothills) I have managed to get no less than 53 MPG with a personal best of 61.5 MPG. Of course, I have been practicing for the last three months in my CRV trying to break the 25 MPG barrier and finally did it with the last tank full before the Prius arrived with a best of 26.5 MPG. It was 11 years old with 180,000 miles on it but ran like a top despite crashing it once and putting it under water once. Contrary to popular belief, red cars don't float. I'll post a pic when I figure out how to do that. Tomorrow it may get it's first bath with around 250 miles on the odometer. I love the car so far but still am rather cold on the color...But it may grow on me.
I've had my Classic Silver Prius for less than two weeks now and a woman in a huge Chrysler with 200,000 miles on it rear ended me while at a dead stop at a red light. Somehow it doesn't smell as new as before....