So we havent yet been told the color however want to be prepared with name choices when it finally arrives. Right now our order is: 1) Silver Pine - Lima Bean 2) Magnetic Grey - Bullet 3) Beige - light brown sugar ?? 4) Spectra Blue - ??? So any better names or ideas for beige oor blue
When you meet your new Prius, you will have to determine if it is a boy or a girl. Surprisingly, you will know fairly soon - and then an appropriate name will suggest itself. (have fun!)
You could name it Inigo Montoya. "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed the electric car; prepare to die."
you guys are funny. I still can't tell if mine is a "he" or "she"... it IS a hybrid, after all!!!
Personality sometimes counts for more than color. Our is the "Mystery Machine" but it is Barcelona Red unlike the vehicle in Scooby Doo.
3 im assuming is the "Driftwood Pearl" color? - u can call it Bronze Spectra Blue is difficult no experience with blue cars, and since its blue it would probably be a "He" not a "She" - Blue Devil???
Bronze makes me think of the term for an attractively tanned woman "bronze goddess." So you could call HER the Bronze Goddess or HIM Adonis.
i HAVE CALLED MINE "GIZMO 1 AND NOW GIZMO 2", simply no one here in Texas can figure out how to drive it and what the heck it is.../????
I'm a huge nerd so I put an Apple Sticker on the back and jokingly Called mine "Lisa." So far it's kinda stuck.
. I call my spectra Blue4 short for Bad Boy Baby Blue! Bad Boy is me and my Prii(we both are) Baby is my Prii(how careful I am toward him and he's still a youngin) Blue is the color! Together we are "King of the world!" .
Mine's named Rita, short for "margarita" since the Silver Pine color makes me think of a pitcher of margaritas. My garage is, of course, now named "Margaritaville".
Our two are called "Velma" and "Daphne". Partly because Velma has the suffix "VLE" on her numberplate and so that kind of stuck in my mind. Also, Kate had a thing for Daphne and I had a thing for Velma... We were kids... It was the 1980s...