Hey everyone - new guy here. Bought my Prius in April, and to say I love it would be a gross understatement. OK, here's the deal. I live/drive in Metro Phoenix, AZ. Traffic and motorist behavior are pretty bad here, but ever since I've started driving my Prius, it seems like people are: - Going "out of their way" to pass me aggressively - Tailgating (especially lifted trucks/SUV's) - Blowing me off at 4 way stops, right of way situations, etc. - Not letting me into traffic, or into another lane, etc., when I'm signaling and attempting to merge - "Name your own" aggressive behavior I'm not a super slow driver, and I'm very conscientious of my overall driving habits and what's going on around me. I was driving an Infiniti G-35 before my Prius, so I'm no stranger to driving fast, aggressively, whatever. I'm pretty sure that all this isn't my imagination - anyone else experiencing this type of thing? Are people pissed off because I'm not getting killed by gas prices and I can drive in the HOV lane?
All of the above, except HOV. We don't have them in Kansas City. Around here it's pickup trucks full of ugly dogs and dirty kids (or is it the other way around?)
I'm also in the Phoenix area and you just described everything I've noticed since getting my Prius! My son thought I was imagining it until I let him borrow the car one day and he came back complaining of the same things. Maybe they just need to get used to us here in the desert?
I don't know. Do you have any ridiculous bumper stickers? If not, maybe it's the way you drive. I have yet to have anyone treat me any different at all In the phoenix metro area (I commute from Gilbert to Tempe mon-fri) than any other vehicle I've owned. In fact, I own 3 other vehicles so I can compare the treatment between each, although I do drive the Prius 95% of the time. About all I get are the guys walking up at the gas pump saying, "you think you'll ever make up the premium for that thing?". Mike
Dude - no stickers, nothing like that. And as far as the way I drive, I swear I'm totally courteous, drive in the correct lane for my speed, etc. If traffic is going 75-80, I'll go 75-80. Funny, I actually drive from Gilbert to Phoenix (on the Tempe border). Even my carpool buddy is like dude, you're getting NO respect!! And he pooled with me prior to the Prius when I drove my G-35. Who knows??
Strange, I don't know. Seriously, I haven't seen anything. I get on the southern part of the 202 (the one by pecos)... take that to the 101, then get off at Rio Salado... on the way home I take Mill down to the 60, get on and move over to the car pool lane. I get off at Stapley and take that south to get home. That's my typical route. I was commuting down town for a few months, but other than that my Prius ownership (the past 8 months) has consisted more or less that same route.
My husband's been to Phoenix several times in the last few months, and he says Phoenix drivers are unquestionably the worst in the US. He and I have both seen the prius envy in action, though.
Are you coming from a larger car/truck/SUV into a Prius. If so, that is the explanation....you don't have a target painted on you because of your Prius. Imagine how the people driving "Smart" cars are feeling.
I feel it too... just jealous haters who can't stand the idea that others have a better car.... It will only get worse when gas hits $5 /gallon !!!
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']I have not seen any "haters" down here in Tucson, but I do have a friend from Phoenix and he said that the “Prius Gangs†up in Phoenix pick on other drivers that do not drive a Prius. I drive to Sun City a few times a month and haven’t had any problems, well yet…[/FONT]
. I've lived/driven in Phoenix. No matter what car you drive, it better be with intent. I'm of the notion you've experienced these reactions due to your driving style more than Prii resentment. Assuming these erratic drivers recognize then hate the Prii is giving them too much credit. How do crazies know what a Prius looks like? Have you even seen one Prius commercial on TV? They are reacting to your driving style, not the type of car you drive (MO) .
What you describe is the same I experience on a daily basis (not in a Prius) in the Phoenix Metro area. Welcome to my world, I guess.
Prius gangs? I think that calls for a BS rating guy. The OP and this guy have less than 5 posts and they both seem to be questioning the car. Prius gangs my :deadhorse:
Tailgaters are checking out the MFD, try turning it off. One can only assume from the OP that it is a legal requirement that a G35 driver drive in a fast aggressive manner as we can easily be assured the OP has been an aggressive driver having owned and driven a G35. I'm not sure I would like to own a car where every day I feel such pressure to perform, a leisurely drive would be out of the question. I have this image in my mind of police trawling the highways looking for G35 owners who are driving in a courteous and responsible manner to give them a ticket, and no doubt confiscate the vehicle of any G35 driver who dare allow a Prius driver into the lane ahead of them. From this I can only conclude that driving in a rude and aggressive manner is in the statutes for these people and most likely others who drive a similar class of vehicle (I have no idea what an Infiniti G35 is) so they are only driving in this way around a Prius because that is the law. I think the best thing a Prius owner can do under these circumstances is to feel pity for these poor souls who must alway drive aggressively, and proudly display the address of a local Toyota dealer on the back window, that they may realise there is a way out for them. PS, my son just told me an Infiniti is a Nissan, feel pity on the Datsun driver for sure!!
I have driven mine for over three years in Dallas, the epicenter of the SUV/Truck culture but I haven't had any problems. Perhaps it is my driving. I am not one to hold up traffic or drive in a clueless manner in the left lane on the highway. Perhaps it is the fact that a large number of people in Texas are armed (I am not, but you never can tell) that keeps a certain amount of foolishness from happening on the roads. The only real anti Prius sentiment that I encounter is on the internet. I am sure there are many reasons for that, from envy to general resistance to change to a perceived threat to their livelihood, for those who work on or sell cars. Who can tell, but it hasn't been a problem for me.
I'm going to have to disagree with you. The crazies know what a Prius, Civic Hybrid, or Insight are due to the pretty blue license plate that allows us to drive in the carpool lane. Also, are you kidding with the commercial question? I've seen several Prius commercials in heavy rotation on major networks. And my driving style wouldn't be a factor for someone to blow off my turn at a 4 way stop, or one of those two lane lighted meters that you have to wait at before getting on the freeway. I drove in Southern CA for 7 years, and the rest of my 21 years of drving in Phoenix - commuting to and from all parts of the valley. Believe me, I drive with intent. If you're envisioning me just cruising along in the HOV lane at 55, oblivious, that ain't happening.
Interestingly in two years of Prius ownership both Velma and Daphne have picked up nasty bumps on the front doors from people hitting them in parking lots. That's more dents and dings than in a whole eight years of driving...
Its funny how my Prius fits in parking spots with room to spare and still has marks from other doors all over the side. Yet, my truck, when parked in the same spot completely filled it up with the front tires on the lines(built for off road, front end wider) and my truck had no scratches or marks on it
I was visiting friends a few weeks ago where the husband's job is based on oil production. He came in while I was there with my Prius parked out front. He kept calling me Polly Prius - I thought it was funny and didn't take offense. Then as we were leaving to go to dinner he said in a very nasty tone, "I hope you know you aren't saving anything with that car." To which I replied, "I may not be saving the world, but I'm definitly saving money on gas." The he said something about how I'd be sorry when the battery died. To that I replied, "I've got another 150,000 miles before I have to worry about that." I guess his wife had a few words with him on their drive to the restaurant because I ended up seated next to him and he was nothing but nice all through dinner and even paid my bar tab (and I was drinking expensive wine). That behavior was so out of character for him that I can only surmise that he feels threatened by the technology. I haven't noticed anyone being more agressive on the road so far. I find that most people are more curious and like to look.