Date Ordered:6/29/08 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State):Bingham Toyota Clovis, Ca Timeframe given for delivery: 6-8 weeks Color: Mag Grey Option Package: Touring package 6 Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: ???
We got ours faster by going on craigslist-bay area and picked ours up from san francisco toyota within a week and half after we put a deposit down.....check it out, internet salesman is cory and they were great, we also ordered one from our local dealer and was told two months or more for we kept looking...... we got a spectra blue package 6 it!
I just got my touring #6 last week and i really like it. Better than I thought I would. Even though I had to pay above MSRP, for me it was worth having it now versus waiting for 5 months on a waiting list or even longer for the touring edition.
I have had my magnetic grey touring package number 6 for a couple of months now. Odometer just rolled past 4,000 miles today. The last tank was 57.3 miles per gallon, which is why I call her "Sipper". I am very happy with the car - very glad that I got the Touring model. And glad that I paid under MSRP for her. Kevin McGonagle