My 2008 Prius started remotely with my smart remote key in my pocket. I was about 10' from the car. How is this possible? Has anyone else had this experience?
Started? As in the car was ready to roll? Or the interior lights came on and the doors unlocked when you touched the handle? <:0) Sorry, just trying to get the obvious out of the way.
If you walk by your car with the smart key in your pocket, the dome light turns on (probably assumes you're going to enter the car...) First time it happened I thought I had forgotten to turn the light off. Took me a while to realize the detection function.
Embarrassed to say that I think I forgot to press the power button since I was interrupted as stopping the car. The car was in stealth mode, then finally needed to charge the HV battery.
Nothing to be embarassed about. When I took delivery, I spent 10mins trying to open the power windows, not knowing you had to press power twice if you didn't press the brake pedal while turning it on.