Got my 2008 Prius (Touring pkg. #5) in January, paid about $1500 below MSRP. I don't drive that much, I've only put 3000 miles on it since January, so I'm thinking of selling since it seems I can make a decent profit on it. I'd be happy with something else until the plug-in version comes along. Any opinions on the most I should expect to get?
I would check craigslist to see how much people are asking for their cars and price it accordingly. If there are long waiting lists in your area you will get at least MSRP- likely a couple thousand more if you find a desperate buyer. If you are not in a hurry start with MSRP+ 3000 on craigslist and see what happens.
do what everyone else does, advertise it with a profit you would enjoy, advise its price as negotiable, decide what you can live with and dicker on P.S. to sell a car in anticipation of buying another one that is not available yet i think is a HUGE have driven 3000 miles in 6 months. do you have another car, or is your transportation needs that modest?
My transportation needs are very modest. I realize the plug-in Prius won't be out until late next year or later. I can live with a non-hybrid until then. Or maybe something better will be available by then. I think I'll advertise it for $34K and see what happens. I'll keep you updated...
Don't hold your breath on the plug-in. Initially they'll be available only to fleet customers. For your reference, myself I wouldn't buy a used Prius for $34K. $28K would be my threshold, and it'd better have some bells & whistles too. Best wishes to you, and do keep us posted.
Ha, I was wondering if the 'price gouging' fanatics would chime in on this thread! I consider it's 'gouging' when you're charging an outrageous price for a life necessity, like food, water, clothing, shelter, in a situation where there is no other option. The Prius is hardly a necessity, and there are many other available transportation options. At this point it's a luxury item, where people are willing to pay a luxury premium to have the item right now.
Let us know if you get a buyer. I was thinking about doing something similar, but then I found out my wife is paying $30 more a tank to go the same distance I do. Besides, I love my Prius.
I love my Prius too, but since I don't drive all that much, I wouldn't make up the potential profit in gas savings over the next 2 years. Anyway, worst case is that I can't sell it for the high price, and I keep it, which is OK with me. On my original window sticker I see a $1750 'Economic Savings Bonus' taken off the MSRP. Anyone know what this is, and if they're still giving this discount?
I'm not sure how much you should sell it for, but I do know there are people willing to pay a lot. My salesman told me that someone paid $16k over the sticker price for a used one.
I have never heard of gouging defined this way. Very nice definition, I think I will adopt it. With the prices that people are getting I have been thinking of selling mine as well. But I won't because I like driving it and in the back of my mind (may be irrational) I can't help thinking that gas lines are going to be coming back. If that happens it won't be the monetary savings that the Prius is good for. It will be the fact that a tank of gas siphoned out of my truck will last me two months if I am frugal. G
After a week of being posted on craigslist for $33,300, I've had only 2 responses, both from people that hadn't researched prices yet. Neither resulted in a showing. Looks like the market isn't that crazy yet, at least here in Austin.
I just spoke with dealers here in southern CA who all say they are getting between 2k to 4k over msrp at this time for a new prius.
You might try getting a quote from a dealer as to what they would give you for it. I looked at KBB the other day and there was virtually no difference $400 between low blue book (trade-in) versus high blue book (dealer sales price). Sure they'd have to make a profit, but it would be worth a try, and you wouldn't even have to have it detailed. If you get a quote from a dealer, please let the rest of us know what they quote you.
I just stopped by my dealer today and had noticed that they had a red Prius on the lot. He told me it was a rental model they had just sold. It was a 2008 package 2 and had they sold it “used” for 25,000. I paid 23,800 for mine, new, just 1 month ago.