Has anybody had problems with their touchup paint supplied by the dealer not matching their car? We have the seaside pearl and when we touched up the front bumper where the renegade license plate scratched it, the touchup paint is noticeably lighter. I plan on takiing the bottle back tomorrow but was wondering if it was widespread issue.
I actually just bought 4S2 for my driftwood pearl Prius and it looked fine. Things you need to do: 1. wash the car (or at least the area in question) to get all the dirt and grime off. 2. shake the bottle vigorously. The directions say 1 minute. I suggest 5 minutes to be absolutely sure. 3. use the touchup paint and apply 3 coats leaving 30 minutes in between each application. Yes, it will look lighter with only 1 coat. That's why you need 3. 4. wait 24 hours and then apply clearcoat. I don't think this step is mandatory but I believe that's the official answer and it helps protect your basecoat (the seaside pearl paint).
I Too have an 08 Seaside Pearl and this weekend touched up a few stone chips on the hood and noticed the same thing. I will reapply again like P G suggestes and see if it matches better.
I use the toyota touch up pen on my silver/grey Prius and it looks darker - but only after I applied the clear coat. I hate touch ups.
Pardon the ignorance, but what is, and where do you get, the "clear coat?" Is that another touch up bottle available from a dealership? Thanks -
I got my touch up paint kit from PaintScratch Touch-Up Paint (rs), Spray Cans, Spray Paint, Paint Pens, Car Paint, Automotive Paint. It came with four bottles: Basecoat, Clearcoat, Acrylic Lacquer Thinner, and Liquid Compound. I think the kit costs about $20.00 + shipping and handling.
John_Michael, Yes, you can buy Clearcoat from the dealer. What most people think of as touch-up paint is called the basecoat. It will be the same color as your car. Some will also have "metallic flakes" in it. For example, if you look closely at a Driftwood Pearl Prius, you will see that it's not just a flat, tan color; it has some sparkle to it. This is one of the reasons you want to vigorously shake your touch-up paint before using it. Clearcoat is a clear paint that you apply over basecoat. It adds gloss to the paintjob. Remember to follow the instructions and apply 3 basecoats.
The dealers version of what color my car should be and what the car actually is always varies. I get my touchup paint from online shops, mostly because they're cheap enough to buy samples and have a larger selection. I always hate having a salesman "confirm" this is the exact color for your car... only to bring it home and apply it my cars paint has been sitting in the sun for 5 months. shop online, try some links... one of my fav sites: Toyota Prius Touch Up Paint