new here and I have a lot to learn about the Prius. We headed to town to look at a Corolla but the Jeep broke down and while at the Jeep dealership waiting for repairs we called the Toyota dealership nearby and they came and picked us up. We decided on a Corolla and then the salesman informed us that a deal just fell through and a Prius was available, so we bought it and drove it home the same day! We have about 400 miles on the Prius the first week and are averaging 45.2 MPG. The one problem I have with the Prius is that my wife loves driving it and I STILL have not driven it. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Does anyone know when they will come out with a hybrid pickup? Thanks, Texdon
JACKPOT!!!! You even lucked out and got in the hard to find Mag grey, Still the best color in my opinion, but the new blue is a very close second. As far as a hybrid pickup do a google search for toyota a-bat, that is their concept design, but so far Toyota has not announced any official plans for a Hybrid pickup, the closest you can get is the Hybrid Highland SUV.
When the big P/U producers decide they actually want to try and help the United States instead of hindering it by producing inefficient P/Us with more HP than they need and only producing hybrid SUVs that are not up to the task of a work truck nor are they in the price range of the average working class individual. /rant off Welcome to the forum and congrats on your new car!
fwintx, I was on the Bryan waiting list a sort time. We had 5 colors chosen with a 4,5, or 6 package. They did not order or allocate a specific vehicle for me when I put the $500 deposit down I was just on the high end of the back out list. I guess being at the dealership ready to buy (something) at the right time also helped. At another Central Texas Dealership the salesman said he thought they were not putting any more names on the waiting list and would call me back. He never called back. I wonder how many Prius sales Toyota is loosing? Does anyone know how to put your home address in the navigation when it says your address does not exist? edit - first fill-up, Fuel gage is accurate, average MPG 2nd tank 53!! (I still have not driven but learning the display screen is keeping me occupied.)
Sounds good but we're on a farm and I need something that will tow a trailer, haul dirty stuff in the back, and have more clearance for our roads. In the city that definitely sounds like a great idea. In the 70's, in the city, we had two Pintos, for the young ones, that is two economical Fords, not two horses.
Do you have any idea how many hundreds - perhaps THOUSANDS - of people would love nothing more than to be standing on a Toyota lot when a Prius deal falls through and be able to walk away with that car?! They are like this: :rain: You are like this: :lock1: :welcome: Welcome to Priuschat and congrats on the new car.
Since they are selling every single Prius that comes in and have people on wait lists I don't think Toyota is worried about losing sales on the Prius.
I sorry you said "any". My wife's suggestion would be to have her witness you wiping "nasal debris" on the steering wheel - she'll never want to drive the car again. My advice is that she has to sleep sometime or if you're in a hurry, it's not begging if it's your wife...
Present company of wives excluded, of course. In some circles begging and fine-jewelry is considered foreplay.
LADYLUCK is on your side! I never knew that mag grey is a hard to find color...........i see them everywhere! my kid has a mag grey #2, i have a BLACK #6................. congrats to your new car, welcome here to PC, cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, what a break! Congratulations. You'll love it (once you get to drive it, ha). And welcome to PC; mucho good info here
Congratulations on your good luck, Texdon! The same thing happened to us in April (we were at the dealer when a sale fell through on Yoda), and we haven't looked back. I think you're going to enjoy your car as much as we have!