Less than three weeks old and someone hits my poor Prius in the rear while I'm at work It's not too terrible...but there's some scuffing and scratching...and worse...there's some paint just missing. The jerk didn't even leave a note or anything...just ran off :'( What should I do? Try to retouch the spot where he/she rubbed the paint off? Or just get the whole rear bumper repainted? How much should I expect for something like that? I'm just so sad/mad :Cry:
A body shop should be able to repaint your current bumper cover. No need to replace. It probably won't be more than the deductible. I'd have to taken care of professionally. The car is too new. And the guy who did it is a swine. Karmadeggon will get him eventually.
Take a slow walk around the parking lot tomorrow looking for remnants of your paint on someone's bumper.
Wow, Sorry to hear that your new baby just got hit. I know how pissed you are, but you insurance will cover that as a hit and run, so I would get it fixed by a Professional. You will just be out your deductible. However, you might be able to find out who did it, depending on what type of parking lot you park your car in. Does the company have security cameras?? If so report this to your security in the building and they will view the tapes. And what Tony suggested was good, check cars in the parking lot for signs of damage. If you park in a general public parking lot then it might be harder to find who did this, but if you work at a building/company where they have their own employee parking, I have a feeling there is a security tape somewhere showing who did this to your car. Keep us posted on what you can find out!
Some people are satisfied enough to just leave it the way it is and live with the paint scratch. However, you and I know that we take pride of our Prius and we want the best for our hybrid car. As suggested before, have it repainted by an experienced body shop...look around your area and you might be able to find a place that will charge much less than what a dealership body shop will...Good Luck.
Well...I left a note on the car next to me (a late 90's model Honda Civic LX...maroon...also the color of the paint transfer). It's dark in our parking garage, so it was difficult to tell (plus his car was less than well cared for to say the least...) if this car was the actual culprit. The Honda did have some damage to the front bumper...and I just have a hard time believing in coincidences. The guy called and left a voice message on my phone while I was in a meeting this morning saying that he didn't do it...blah blah blah... I haven't called him back yet...still contemplating what I'm going to say to him. I worked on it last night with some cleaner wax and elbow grease and I got most of the immediate ugliness gone...but everytime I pass a shiny Prius with pristine bumpers and paint...I think about the nice chunk of paint missing from mine and replaced with surrounding scuffs and scratches
If you didn't take pictures you should. Also you might want to get the police involved, but since it was a hit and run on private property I doubt they will get involved. I really don't know what you can do otherwise.
Sorry to hear about your car....hope you are able to restore it back to new again!! p.s. don't worry, what goes around, comes around for the culprit!
I had the same thing happen to me parked my car on the street one night and someone hit it in the back bumper. I took it to a shop and had it fixed it was 580.88 and of course my part was the first 500.00.
MC, Sorry about the hit. (I also got hit on the side the other day from apparently an opening door ... left me with a golf ball size dent.) Don't know if you'd be interested, but here are what I use as bumper protection. I like them all a lot. I also think they look good (or at least they rate a "Well ... they don't suck."): 1. Front and Rear Color Matched Bumper Guard Strips from BumperDefender.com. They cost about $80 delivered. You can install them yourself. Color Bumper Guards - The ultimate bumper protector and bumper protection device 2. Front License Plate Screws Bumpers from NoBump.com. These cost about $16 for two delivered from GirlsLoveWheels.com, and attach to the top two license plate screws. Alternatively, get rubber chair leg tips from a hardware store for about $2 for four. NoBump - Defensive Car Parts That Make Sense Girls Love Wheels NoBump Bumper Protectors 3. Rear Bumper Rubber Blanket - Bumper Bully. I like the one made by Bumper Bully. It looks the best, hangs the best because of its stabilizer bars, and has red reflectors built in. It typically costs around $40 at an autoparts store or online. But you can get it plus a thick closed cell foam "impact absorber" that sticks on behind it for $51 delivered here: http://www.amazon.com/Bumper-Bully-Impact-Absorber-Protector/dp/B0013CXCYK Below is a photo of the rear of my Prius showing the BumperDefender.com color matched rear bumper guard strip and the Bumper Bully. Good luck.