I'm a newbie here but been reading a lot and love this site. Believe it or not, I am trading in my Porsche 911 for a Prius this year. I am selling my car in a few months and wanted to place an order for the 2009 Prius since I drive 124 miles to work every day. I test drove it few weekends ago and the dealer marked it up by $5,000 for just the base model. I want to order the 2009 model and was wondering if I put a deposit, can they still put a dealer mark-up when it comes in? Or do I just pay the sticker? I never "ordered" a car before. TIA
The demand for hybrid vehicles will still high and dealer markup will still exist. No matter if you purchased a new 2008 or ordered a new 2009 Prius.
125 miles a day ?! You must have a iron keister, speaking of which anything over sticker and thats where the deal belongs ...
Ordering doesn't cost the dealer a dime, its pathetic that they even charge markup, but Prius sales are good now. My suggestion would be to shop around, especially in areas outside of big cities, smaller cities in less populated areas with Toyota dealers near you. 2009 Prius will be the same as the 2008, so there will be no change there, 2009 assembly should be gearing up now, with production toward the end of the month. Call around and emphasize you are wanting a 2009, and are going with the dealer who gives you a deal.
Thanks for the info. So, if I put a deposit, the car comes in and the mark-up is too high for me, do I get the deposit back? It would seem as though this whole "ordering" the car business would not benefit the buyer if the dealer still has the option of selling the car at a higher price.
Thanks and I'll check around but I am not hopeful. The local dealer I went to said that the one Prius they had was brought in from a dealer near Palm Springs (250 miles away). Their mark-up was over 25%. I guess I could wait until they are at the dealers but I'm sure it'll be a mad rush to get these.
I don't live in California but on July 3rd 2008 I called around here (Florida) and of the 6 dealers I called only one was charging a premium. When you find an ethical dealer, tell them what you want and have them FAX you the deal in writing. Sign the papers and fax them back. Then call and leave your $500 deposit with a credit card. They now have to honor the deal you both signed but you can walk and get your deposit back if you change your mind because it is not binding until 3 days after they deliver your car. Yes, you are in the drivers seat legally when you are the consumer. Don't be affraid to include the price of an airline ticket in your plans to get a car at your price. P.S. Oh and don't trust the salesman to tell you truthful information about availability and what everyone else is charging...they are hoping you don't do your own research.
Just as a post to this, ordering under most circumstances is the same as buying off the lot, you negotiate price. In normal times, ordering should get you a better price, dealer has no cost involved, like property cost, insurance, and assorted other costs that come into play with a lot car, thats why they would rather sell a lot car than ordering.
Look long and travel far, if necessary. My dealer in Orland Park, Illinois is reputable, sells at MSRP. May other dealers do as well. They look for return customers. A trip to any State is worth the time and effort. Terry
And another thing...try to get one that has not reached the port yet. This will be a car that is at sea. Literally on the boat steaming for the US. Toyota will list it on the dealer computer with all sorts of options (otherwise known as pure profit). These options which include "Toyoguard", window tint, larger wheels, expensive tires, floormats etc. have not been installed yet because they are done at port. Your car is at sea so you tell the dealer "Delete all that junk"..."I just want a stock car." If you are getting a car that has progressed through the port, the dealer cannot delete it. The floormats alone are $275 from the port but $99 here on Prius Chat Store. Good luck in your shopping...
The carpet mats (PV40) are $169, the carpet/trunk mats (PV50) are $225. Not a bargain, but not totally outrageous.
Wow - that is great info!! Thanks!! I wouldn't want to fly to another state to find a car though as someone suggested. I think this gives the dealer the leverage. I never bought a Toyota before, but much experience with Porsche "Stealerships" and Porsche "taxes" on everything. I bought my 911 in Houston and brought it to Los Angeles - it was a lot of hassle with the stealership. I will check around here and also check with Toyota. I actually know an Accountant working in Toyota in Inland Empire, CA... so I think I'll give her a call. Thanks for all the info! This is a great site!!!
I show them for $99.99 at the link below but they don't include the rear deck mat. I'm going with the Weathertech mat back there anyway. PriusChat Shop : Toyota Prius OEM Carpeted Floor Mats - $99.99
The carpet mats (PV40) are $169, the carpet/trunk mats (PV50) are $225. Not a bargain, but not totally outrageous. These prices are for the Toyota options, as shown at Buyatoyota dot com. That is what shows on the window sticker.
Yes I think Southeast Toyota charges more for floormats than other regions. They deleted $275 for floormats, $275 for Tint, $699 for toyoguard, and another $2500 for other junk. There were so many options the car was out of my range. Since then, I added dealer installed XM for $340 and floormats for $99. Next I will get the windows tinted with my choice of tint for $130. When I was in the car business I learned about the optional equipment scam.
Put our name on waiting list June 14, 2008 for Pkg 2, Silver Pine Mica...Isn't that a 50c word for pale green? I've received offers for a Seaside Pearl and a Classic Silver Metallic, but we're holding out for green. I'm overdosed with online info...mostly +. Is strut braces, etc really necessary? I'm not planning on racing mine...mostly putting around town, 6,000 population. Also, does anyone know where I could get a push button sound device to nudge walkers, etc when on stealth? I thought crickets would do the trick! Thanks!