I want to buy a Prius asap. Will I be able to find a new 2008? Is there a shortage? Will I have to pay more than the MRSP or can a get a deal on a 2008 since the 09s are coming out soon? Will I get a better deal when the 2009s come out, since there will be a bigger inventory? Any advice is most welcomed! Thanks!
Yes. Yes. No deals. No possibility of a big inventory. With gas prices way over $4, the demand for Prius is out of the roof. It will get even worse when 2010 plugin hybrid is released. Best option is to get yourself into the waiting list at your local dealer and wait. The best price you can get is MSRP. Many dealers are charging a premium over MSRP. All the best.
Prices better than MSRP can still be had. I just got on a waiting list with $500 down and an out the door price guaranteed in writing. $150 off MSRP and no additional add ons or dealer fees. TTL + a $55 doc fee. It's at a dealership that has a long standing policy of selling every car under MSRP with no exceptions. My father in law just got on the same list for the same deal, but the wait is now up to 3 months.
ya, took mine in for a oil change and I like to clean it all up before I take it in and they thought it was in or its 5000 service!! kinda make me proud of my baby LOL
Thanks for your reply! That is very encouraging! Are you on the list for an '08 or '09? How long did they estimate your wait will be? What part of the country are you in? Many Thanks!!!
Thanks for your reply! That is very encouraging! Are you on the list for an '08 or '09? How long did they estimate your wait will be? What part of the country are you in? Many Thanks!!!
qbee42, The 2009 models haven't even started production yet (in a couple of weeks they will) let alone hit our shores. I'm curious how many people are on the wait'g lists in your area & do the dealers already really know how many cars they will be allotted from the 2009 production run (that hasn't even started yet) to say that they are all gone as of now & from now on they will be taking orders for the 2010 models only (which are slated to start production in April 2009). Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
It's pretty simple. There is only one Toyota dealer in this area and their allotment is limited. Toyota has a catch-22 system for allotments: the more you sell, the more you get, but you can't sell them if you don't get them. Our local dealer has more than 60 deposits, and they expect to get less than 50 Prius for the 2009 model year. This is the reason we bought our 2006 from a dealer 260 miles away. Even back then our local dealer had at least a six month wait, as opposed to a six week wait from a dealer in Detroit. They didn't even have a demo model to test drive. People were ordering them without having ever driven one. Tom