At the end of the episode Sydney (Jennifer Garner) was walking in a parking garage. There is a breif look at her car (just the side) and then Vaugn comes and they hug. Her car did look like it could have been a 04 Prius. Even tho I have the ep on tape I'm not sure. Can anyone confirm/deny ? Brian
I was about to post the same thing She's almost always driven a Prius on the show in her personal time, so I'm about 99.9% sure it was a 04 Prius. Another reason to love Alias 8)
I would say this is a confirmed sighting. The small window behind the back door; the concave detail along the door base; wheels; windshield size and angle; overall profile of the cab convinced me that this was a Prius.
i saw it too, but they showed just the rear left quarter window. :roll: i kept waiting in anticipation for them to show the whole car during that final shot of their hug..... :x
Sorry, I didn't have time to get the video off of my Replay. It wasn't that exciting like when I've seen her actually driving in her Classic last season.