I ordered my wheelsins thru the Prius shop, got it over a month ago and procrastinated about putting it on until today. I started to sew it on, even though I could not get it around the entire steering wheel, I was convvinced I'd be able to stretch it. Started to sew and got about 1/3 of the way with my wife telling me there was no way it would fit. She was right ( tough to admit). I could not stretch the leather around the wheel and it started to fall apart ( a white thread holding inside together was coming loose). I removed the stiching I had done ane took off the cover. I noticed that the box was labeled 13 3/4". I measured the steering wheel and the horizontal diameter is about 14 1/2" while the vertical is about 13 3/4". Guess my wheel is a little oval. Did anyone else have this problem and what size cover did you use? I'll be calling wheelskins tomorrow for either a refund or exchange. Thanks
I got mine from Autobarn back in January for my 2006 and it was 13 3/4", chosen from their size chart. I stretched it onto the wheel before starting to stitch it. It was a real fight to get it on. I remember trying and failing several times to get it onto the wheel and giving up for a few hours. It really seemed too small, but after a lot of fighting I managed it. Having it that tight helped mold it around the wheel and it looks really good. By the time I got it tightly stitched, my hands were really sore from all the pulling tight on the thread. It was a real fight but worth it. I had no hint of the wheelskin starting to come apart . - Tom
It is an oval. And the 13.75 doesn't fit. I had to call Wheelskins to order direct because they weren't listed on their website all the way yet. I got lucky. The person that took my order knew the wheel was an oval and sent the correct size first thing. I'd advise returning to where you bought it and calling Wheelskins to order. They know the correct size for the Prius. I have no idea what the correct size is. Maybe someone else does.
Thanks for the input, funny thing is I ordered from The Prius Shop and it was fulfilled directly by wheelskins, I'll call tomorrow.
Wheelskins lists it now. See: http://www.wheelskins.com/size_chart.php?e...es&manuf=Toyota . BTW, it is listed as 13.75, same size as I used. It was hard to put on, but it fit. - Tom
You MUST stretch the thing on before you begin to stitch. If it goes on easy, you have the WRONG size. It must be difficult to stretch on, so it will be tight enough when you are done. It takes some effort, and if it first seems just barely impossible, then you have the right size! Your wheel sounds right, and the size of skin you have/had sounds right. Here's how it should look when you're done! http://www.darelldd.com/ev/prius_interior_dash.htm
LOL , I went out and purchased one of those pre-made slip-on covers only to find it was 2 sizes to big.. I called the dealer and found out the prius and the corola have the same size steering wheels.. They told me they had the correct size in stock.. I decided not to put one on after that.
Yep, all returns/exchanges are done straight through Wheelskins. There are different sizes for different year Prius.
The wheel cover I ordered fit very tight. It took me about 2 1/2 hours to stitch it, but it was worth it. It looks like a factory original. I also like the stitch look vs. the slip on cover.
Yeah, oddly enough they list 2001 - 2004 as one size and 2005 - 2006 as the 13.75" size. I don't think the steering wheel size changed from 2004 to 2005, so I expect the breakpoint in their chart is wrong. See http://www.wheelskins.com/size_chart.php?e...es&manuf=Toyota - Tom
Just an update, I spoke to Wheelskins today, great customer service. I was told that they have had some problems with solid leather for Prius. It should not be that difficult to stretch around the wheel. They are making me another, a little roomier and will ship it at ASAP. They were extremely pleasant and apologetic.
My experience with wheelskins customer service...GREAT! I wish all companies were even 1/2 as good. I see them being around for a long time.
Agreed! I've been by the business in person, and they let me CHOOSE my skin for a replacement once. How cool is that?
Received replacement yesterday, extremely fast delivery. It is now 14" rather than 13 3/4". Will install when I get some time. Thanks everybody for their input.
Remember to stretch it all on FIRST. Get the buttom seam where you want it, and make the edges even all the way around (and keep checking that as you sew). Wear leather gloves (at least one). And go at it!
I just installed my wheelskins on a 2007 Prius and the size was 13.75" x 3.75". I will admit that, at first, I freaked out and thought they mailed me the wrong size because it looked WAY too small. I figured I'd try stretching it on before calling customer service. I spent half an hour just stretching the cover and trying to put it on. After multiple attempts at trying to slide the cover on, you'll notice that the cover seemed to have gotten bigger. That's a good sign so just keep at it. I started at the top and stretched it towards the bottom. Then rotate the cover until you're happy with its placement on the steering wheel. Start lacing and enjoy.
it is summer, try leaving it out in the sun for a bit first then stretch it on, everything seems easier and more pliable when warm