Aftermarket Stereo

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by thegameispw, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. thegameispw

    thegameispw New Member

    Jul 5, 2008
    2007 Prius
    I want to fit an aftermarket stereo in the space underneath my current stereo. (I own a UK Spec T3 Prius) - I would like the stereo be be hidden by closing the flap.

    1. Can anyone recommended a unit that can play MP3's and is small enough to be hidden.

    2. Will I still be able to use the MFD and/or steering wheel controls for volume and track changes.

  2. sweathog76

    sweathog76 Junior Member

    Dec 28, 2007
    This thread should address several of your questions.

    Also, I'd read reviews of units on for more info but I'd search for cheaper prices elsewhere as they seem way overpriced. Good luck.
  3. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Thanks for the link. :)

    I would like to address your second sentence though. Crutchfield is an authorized dealer for the brands it carries and as such is restricted by the manufactures to advertise their products at no less than the Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) set by the manufacture. This pricing structure was developed to even the playing field and secure dealers from price gouging by unscrupulous dealships and maintain the integrity of car audio dealers as a whole. Once the internet sales BS really took hold it was difficult for independed (and some large big box stores) to maintain a solid profit margin on car audio products and a lot went out of business. The repercussions of purchasing from the internet are as follows:

    #1 Smaller car audio dealers go out of business. If this happens who will install your equipment for you or perform repairs or diagnostis when something goes wrong?

    #2 Your money leaves your local community much faster than had you spent the money at a local small shop. As an example; for every $1 spent at a local mom & pop store about $.60 stays in the community. Contrast this with every $1 being spent at the average big box retailer and only $.10 stays in the community. As for the internet, well generally speaking $.00 of every $1 spent stays in the community.

    Some may not care about any of this but we really should as it is a very imporant aspect of our daily lives. Support your community. :)