Anyone know anything about this accident that wrecked this Prius shown on eBay? It looks like a bad accident, but the photos of the passenger compartment look pretty unscathed (the front airbags deployed). I hope that the owner and any passengers were unhurt. Does anyone know? The car is at a salvage yard in KY outside of Cincinnati.
Well it's plain to me that wrecked Prius has been totally destroyed. It certainly won't even have enough salvage to justify the current low bid. I hope no one gets involved with that disaster. :? Whatshisname
it may not be that bad if the basic structure of the car is intact, but replacing all that sheet metal, maybe the whole front power unit, etc., etc., will probably make that kind of "project" economically "feasless", as a college friend of mine once put it... a "frutile" exercise... fruitless and futile! i pinged the eBayer to ask if they'd share what their reserve price is. dealer-chatmembers.... is there even a pipeline yet for repair parts like that?! it's gotta cost a fortune to fix all that.
Alan: I read in another post by someone in this group that what looked like a simple $5000 front fender bender turned out to be over $12,000. It's no longer simple radiator, fans, cowling and sheet metal parts like it used to be. The computer alone costs more than $10,000 and we all know computers don't like to be bent. No. I'd stay away from that one. I'm not kidding, I'll bet it would cost more than $100,000 to rebuild a Prius using new factory replacement parts. Whatshisname
Yes, I figured this would only be good for spare parts. The seller mentioned that the hybrid batteries were still in tact. I figure that's the part of substantial value here being sold.
Shame he's not selling it piece by piece, I'd love to snag the nav system and see if I could install it in my canadian 04. Dave.
It all depends on what the reserve price.....I have a connection to get Toyota parts at cost and have toyota service mechanics, but the reservce and the investment has to add up to less than 10 or 12k to be worth it. Besides the guy must be desparate....why not insurance paying for it.
It's a salvage yard that's selling it. The insurance company probably settled with the owner for a complete total and then sold it off to a salvage yard. The salvage yard is now trying to reach customers who probably aren't local to him in KY (not exactly the hotbed of Prius sales).
It's probably worth $3-5K for parts...even if you don't need them I bet you could tear it apart and sell it. Like someone mentioned, the NAV is probably intact, there are so many computers in the Prius it's highly unlikely that they're all damaged and replacing just one of those could be worth the $3-5k. Wheels, spare, carpets, stereo parts, Heck, the ICE is probably intact.
Unfortunately the seller posted that it doesn't have NAV. It seems to be a basic model - with just the rear wiper. (He mentioned MSRP was 20,510.) I think they're hoping someone will want the hybrid battery pack. Maybe the rear seats are worth something, too. I'm guessing if you found another wrecked car that had been rear-ended or something, then you could make a new one. I'm lazy, I think I'll just keep buying my cars fully assembled. Anyway, my intention on mentioning it was to see if anyone had heard about the accident from any of the other boards (I've not been visiting the YG much anymore) to know if the occupants were okay. The crash test for the Prius haven't come out yet and this seems to be one of the first real tests of the car's safety I've seen.
just got this back from the eBay seller.... ======================= my reserve is $3500 Pamela Rigacci Sales Bessler Auto Parts 800-576-6816 AOL IM: italianpamela Yahoo IM: italian_pamela ======================= sounds about right to me, and if someone wanted to part it out, they could probably get their money back. looks like the ICE and motor/gearbox may have taken a hit, though.... whatever... fyi!
I think that's definately worth it...hell, I want the NiMH and that alone nearly makes it worth $3500. Sell the NAV, a couple ECUs, Keep the Spare tire and carpets, sell the Homelink mirror and you're easily even.
I agree. Further, how much would you expect the doors and hatch to be worth? I used to own an Explorer that need to have a rear door replaced and that lousy thing cost $800!
Heck yea, think about the SE/S antennae/computers, sensors in the door handles, lots and lots of little stuff. Maybe I need a car on blocks in my front yard to reflect my Arkansas heritage!! :wink:
One more time ... there's no NAV, no Homelink, no stereo upgrade, no side airbags, no smart start/entry ... it's the base model with the rear wiper.
That car is well worth the $3,500 reserve. 3/4 of the panels appear to be in great condition 3 out of 4 wheels appear to be in good shape - that's easily $600 worth of wheels Interior looks great The accident doesn't appear to be too bad since I don't see any blood in the interior and the windshield is not broken in any form.
another reply from the lady Pamela.... ============================== When we purchased the car, it was to be sold as parts. We decided after it got here to try to sell it whole. We felt someone might need a rear clip and the reserve on this is just about what the clip would cost. If it doesn't sell on Ebay it will be put in as parts. So if you know of someone looking for parts I am sure we could help them thanks Pamela Rigacci Sales Bessler Auto Parts 800-576-6816 AOL IM: italianpamela Yahoo IM: italian_pamela ========================== don't start a food-fight over this one, guys... i'm getting the feeling that she should be told about our perhaps a new Forum section would be appropriate? may i leave this (i apologize) "action item" for follow-up by the owners of i don't want to tread on what you might consider your turf... or let me know privately, and i'll give her the url....
You can let her know about PC - we'll be instituting some new guidelines for the Commercial Sales forum soon so that our contributing sponsors will have premiere access to post things there, but for now it's wide open and you can tell them to feel free to post it in the Commercial Sales forum. Danny