I have never had a car worth stealing or breaking into. The total POS-ness of them is their own built-in theft deturant. As you look at my poor old cars, you'd have to wonder "who would steal THAT P.O.S?!" Moral of the story: i don't lock my car. Ever. Beast Blazer is not worth breaking into (trust me). ...now when I get my Prius, I'll lock it when it's in a parking lot, but certainly not in my garage. My neighborhood is very safe, and like others have said, I'd rather they didn't bust my car up trying to get in (before discovering that they can't steal the car without the fob!).
No. The garage is secure and the fob is in the house. If they broke into the garage they couldn't steal the car. And locking the car wouldn't prevent them from breaking windows or doing damage. Never had a problem though. Of course, I have an 8 foot fence around the perimeter of my property.
No. I have no garage to lock it in. And when I lived in a house with a garage, I still didn't part my car (OK, it was Geo Metro at the time), since I used it for storage.
I just recently started locking my car in the driveway... I generally leave the Miata unlocked so as to save the top, unless there really is something worth stealing in it.
Never have, never will. Then again I live in a pretty nice neighborhood where we have several Ferrari F430's Carrera GT's, etc. So if they want my Prius, take it.
Not only do I leave my car unlocked in my garage, I make extra sure the passenger door is unlocked. I enter the garage on that side and it's just easier to open the passenger door to put my handbag and anything else I'm hauling back to the office in the front passenger seat. And the process works the same in the evenings when I get home. I walk around to the passenger side to get all my stuff out to take into the house...so much easier than pulling it all across the console to take out on the driver's side with me.
Always with the black button because I know that no doors are ajar to run down the little battery. (talk about an old & resurrected thread. . .)
I haven't had a garage myself....but my parents do and they don't lock their cars when they get home.
I wish, our garage is a dumping ground with pathways cut through it to even walk..maybe one day. I can barely get my bicycles in it
Well, you know some people here are pretty quick to jump on someone for starting a new thread instead of searching for ancient threads on the same subject...not naming any names, you know who you are!:roll:
I haden't parked a car in either garage in over 15 years ( I'm a terrible pack rat). Shortly after getting the Prius I made a resolution to clean out the front garage and by gum I did it. Now I park the car in there and lock it up tight. Rod
It's funny. I park my Prii in the driveway (nice person up to the garage door, closest side to the front door of course ), but on Sunday nights, after washing and detailing, if I even see one punk skater kid walk by, although it's usually 3+ of them, I get paranoid and park my Prii in the garage! Prii locked, garage locked! Hey, I was a punk kid once. That's why! LOL .
Yes, mine is tucked into the garage every night. Better safe than sorry and it doesn't hurt that it is a bit more protected from the elements. :boxing:
Never had a problem with that last winter. At least with the Prius, you have about 5 doors to get in.
Garage? What's a garage? I always lock my car no matter where it is parked. I lock it as soon as I get into it, too. (I keep my bikes in the living room.)