Just received a call from the sales manager. My 2008 Super White Package #2 arrived on the truck this AM and will be ready for pickup this afternoon. Can't wait to see my kids' faces...they don't know I ordered this and will be thrilled when I drive home this evening. BTW I'm paying MSRP and the only options added are the Preferred Accessory Package and something called a "Rear Bumper Applique". I know what's in the Pref Acc Package, but what is a bumper applique?
Could be two things, a clear plastic bumper sticker, like a bumper guard for loading and unloading into the hatch area, or a heavy duty black plastic one that does the same thing. http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-modifications/50654-bumper-guard-black-clear.html
JM, Congratulations!! The bumper applique is simply a piece of heavy-guage, clear, stick-on sheet plastic that helps to keep anything you drag out of the cargo area from scratch'g the top of your rear bumper if it slips & happens to make contact. At the $49 or $59 price tag it goes for, if it happens to get mangled while protect'g your bumper, replacing that would be a lot cheaper than getting your bumper re-painted. The applique has a checkerboard pattern of little tannish-colored bars that in some areas has a slight shift of some of those bars, & if you look closely you'll see that the shifted bars spell out PRIUS. I don't think it is at all un-attractive (as it might sound) & on some of the car colors it's almost invisible. Edit : Dang it, somebody usually beats me to the punch in a response because it always takes me so long to type. Look at post #9 in the thread that the previous poster gave you a link to & you'll see a picture of what I was speak'g of. I have the applique like in that picture, but the black one they mention in that link is really thick, hard, black plastic [also with a checkerboard pattern of raised squares (that doesn't spell out anything)] that I find more un-attractive, & although it would probably protect better, it would likely cost more to replace if it were to get damaged (but again, less costly than a bumper re-paint). Edit #2 ; Here's a link to a piture of the black one. This one doesn't have the raised checkerboard though. I guess they can be found in slightly different styles (Toyota? or aftermarket?) PriusChat Forums - Sheepdog's Album: Sheepdogs Prius - Picture Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
Congratulations! I think my kids were even more excited than I was about the new car (which is saying something). My dealer stuck the applique on too - it's a clear, slightly textured covering for the bumper right below the hatch opening. Here's a link to it in the PriusChat shop: PriusChat Shop : Toyota Prius OEM Rear Bumper Applique [PT747-47040] - $54.99
Thanks to all for answering my question. I can't wait to leave work and head to the dealer. Not sure if the distraction is good or bad news for the people whose mid-year performance reviews I'm working on today.
I had the black one installed on our Driftwood Pearl Prius which we picked up on Tuesday. Ordered it from Prius Chat Shop. Easy to put on, and looks great.
Congratulations! I picked up mine last night, and the kids and I were stoked . . .You would have thought we had never bought a car before The applique looks really sporty on the bumper. . . I didn't know that was extra, but based on the price I paid, they should throw in as many extras as possible! Jen
The kids were shocked and thrilled when I picked them up last night and walked to the shiny brand new super white Prius. It looks fantastic! I also turned heads at the bus stops in the neighborhood as I drove to work this AM. (I used to take public transportation to work but switched jobs and now drive. It takes 20 minutes door to door when I drive and at least an hour on public transport). Made 49.0 mpg on my 12 mile commute, mostly at 60+mph on the beltway!
Congratulations on your new car JM ! It's a great feeling bringing one home for the first time, but then its also a great feeling driving it home every time... Enjoy !
It is a film like covering that they put over the bumper to protect from scratches (ie: from loading the trunk). Add: Shucks.... I guess I should have looked at the date you posted because it looks as if you have the car and others already answered. Sorry! I hope you enjoy your new vehicle. We LOVE ours!!!!