I was at Salisbury State Beach/Reservation looking into a surfboard I'm planning on purchasing and also was checking out a campground. In the campground, there is a boat launch. Imagination fires up, and I whip out my camera to get a few good ones. Out of the corner of my eye I see a boat parked in a parking space with no car in front of it. My brain ticks over and I reverse in front of it. I knew this would be great. Fooled my family, they were wondering where I had gotten this boat and what I was doing with it when I showed them the pictures. Hope you guys get a good chuckle. The men with the big trucks sure did. Can you find the one that doesn't belong? How about now?
can I guess? The "S" in SUV doesn't belong there? There is nothing sporty about a toy truck, it's just a utility vehicle!
Sweetie, Happy Birthday! That black really looks nice! I cannot fathom why you would want to boot it out just for a SPM !
I have decided to put up with the black, I appreciate it. I keep it in really good condition (always washed!). I am going to hold out until I trade it in, but I think next time I will go for a more adventurous color (not black). And thanks for the Happy Birthday wishes everyone!