I just purchase a 2008 Prius (package 5) after waiting in line for a month for the car. I had rented a 2006 Prius from the dealer for several days to make sure I was really happy with the car and brought it home content. I had driven 200 miles of mixed highway and stop and go driving and used 4 gallons of gas (the indicator showed 48MPG). I have my new car and I am struggling to get 40MPG under the same circumstances, same settings etc. I note that unlike the rental, the car very rarely operates from the battery and also that the battery never fully recharges- it is at about 2/3 full. I called the dealer and he just said drive it 1000 miles and perhaps it will get better. Is there a chance that there is something different about the car- or is there something wrong with the first couple hundred miles driven?
My mpg didn't really improve until I got my first oil change (synthetic) and had them increase the nitrogen in my tires (42/40). Check your tire pressure.
The dealer is correct. The battery should stay about 2/3rds charged, except under special circumstances. Likewise, your mileage will improve as you Prius breaks in. Give it a little time. Tom
thank you both for your suggestions! I will be less paranoid about the battery and will check with the dealer about the tire inflation. Patience.... never been good at that, but will work on it!
Like stated above, give it some time. If you are truely worried I can stop by on my way home (I commute through Davis) and we can test drive it on the backroads I use for max milage. Road 27 and Pedrick Road work well for that sort of thing.
Adjust the tire pressure as per Prius chat. Look in to grill blocking, even partially in warm climates/weather. I find that my car with the grill unblocked takes ~20 miles just to get to NORMAL temp, and the fuel mileage begins to go up. (In warm weather) With the grill blocked in cooler weather it still takes the 20 miles! Icarus PS. Buy a scan gauge here to monitor temps. You will see a direct link between temps and mpg!
Please check the mileage link in my signature. You will see that for the first, what, 9 months I never broke 50mpg. This summer I've already had one 71mpg tank and am currently working on my second. There is a break-in period: both for you and the car. Don't worry about it.
most sales men are sharks and not to be trusted but the car itself is very sound and very well made. Relax. You bought the finest car made of it's type! at any price!
Don't worry! There is a break-in period for the car, too. Just as Tony said, you will learn how to drive better (for higher MPGs, that is) over time. Also, the car itself may require a break-in period. I noticed, for one, that my battery's State of Charge was consistently low for the first several weeks. I really was worried about this, but I notice that this changed, rather suddenly, after about 1,000 miles (maybe even less). I don't know what happened, but it just changed. My mileage increased a bit after that -- even though we were headed into a cool Fall season. I would take F8L up on the offer of having someone else (with F8L's experience and willingness) take a look at your car. If the two of you go out on his known route, you'll get a real fair comparison going. You also may learn a bit more about driving techniques for getting the MPGs up!