I have noticed that my front tires are different from the back . I am a member of the 44/42 club but have realized my front tires have a max of 55. The rear is ...45? Something like that. Anyway, should I bump up the pressure on the front or will this mess things up?
I like to use 2 front, 0 rear psi, which still maintains the required two psi delta. I find it gives a softer ride. Tom
2 PSI differentail, but do NOT exceed the manufacturer's maximum PSI rating as indicated on the side of the tire.
How does that work for your mileage? I was thinking of running 0 front and 1 rear since the adding the fronts and adding the rears would be a 2psi difference.
i tried that max pressure thing on my touring for one day, was impressed with the less rolling resistance, took one look at the tires, laughed, worried about my new tire warranty and changed it back to what it says on the door jam ill try it again when i can get cheap tires in the 195 55 16 size
I took this a step further and tried 0 front, -2 rear, but the ride suffered, as atmospheric pressure crushed the rear tire carcasses.
No, just use some super-glue... I've been running my Touring at 50/48 for 4 weeks. It was a bit unstable in wind on my last long trip, and I'm concerned my traction is lower, so I'm going to try 40/38 for a while. So far, I think I'm getting a 5-10% MPG hit. But if the car handles better and stops quicker and is less susceptible to wind, I don't care about the MPG hit; it's only $60-120 a year; One prevented accident every 5-10 years will more than pay for the gas IMO.