Now this "Cadillac" looks a lot like our Prius. Full article here: This is actually a concept car.
Typical GM. *shrug* Too bad the market share for Cadillac is still older people. Most people i meet who drive cadillacs or would buy the name do not like the prius look. I would laugh if they ever released this car. Then i would yell.. Then i would be sad because they copied our car design and put shitty engineering in it.
Yeah. I can't wait until the car reporter writes the article saying, "Cadillac has created a bold, new, radical design."
Re: Geneva car show Cadillac looks an awful lot like a Prius I'd also hate to get hit by rocks with that car. Soooo much glass.
Re: Geneva car show Cadillac looks an awful lot like a Prius At least I gotta admit that's the nicest looking Caddy I've ever seen. <cue Zeppelin track>
i believe they said it was a form of plexi glass.. so.. more plastic then glass. They could create it an inch thick and make it bullet proof if they want *shrug*. Plastic technology is pretty good.. but it would cost a fortune for a plexi glass or clear plastic to be strong enough to withstand a crash. Money i'm sure GM doesn't have. Unless they sell a few more Chevy Tahoe's.. i mean.. overpriced "Hummers" lol
Oh yeah! sooooo right. The fawning over this design bound to happen if this ever makes production. The latest Caddy ads I have seen all featured around "from zero to a gallon a minute in five seconds"
Remember, it's a concept car. As for the glass/plexi, you will note in the picture that there is also a bar across the side. That bar should provide a good deal of crash protection. But I don't see where side air bags can be stored. But I love the notion that it looks so much like our Prius. I certainly hope this resemblance gets more play in the press so it will help to weaken the notion that our car is "funny looking". How can it be funny looking if the largest car maker in the world (soon to be the second largest) makes a Prius lookalike for it's premium line of cars? Personally, I plan on sending those pictures to friends who have commented on my cars looks.
I would be scared to death to have glass next to me with a bar.. if i were to get t-boned i woul be more worried about the bar impailing me. Our car is not funny looking. Sure a few people say that. People call a lost of cars funny looking though. I was at a high school today making a delivery when a kid started walking around my car checking it out. I do have 17" low profile rims though but i swear he was looking at the car.
Most "better" cars have a bar very much like the one in the picture in the door nowadays. Right about where that one is in this concept car. You just don't see it. It's part of the side protection system. Without it, you would have only sheet metal protecting you on the side.
Indeed, having some serious protection from side impact means keeping the cabin pretty intact in a collision. Have you seen those video clips of the Prius being tested in various crashes? The front end crumples nicely in a head on collision, the side impact does pretty well also. The tested models are BASE units, no side or curtain airbags.
"Wooo-yeah, woo-ooo-yeah." /obligitory in this thread //why you need a car that goes 0-60 in under 5 seconds, I'll never know. Is it for the LA freeways?
Well, the caddy concept car design and my Prius might be in the same neighborhood, might even be related but I think that the caddy is in the ugly side of the family. It also looks really exposed. All that glass reminds me of the Visible Man and Visible Woman kits from when I was a kid. I think if they are going to make a car you can see through, the hood should be clear as well. Course, it would help law enforcement - no hiding ANYTHING in the cab. You know, now that I look at it more, it also is reminiscent of Wonder Womans jet in the old TV show. In fact they just put that series out on video recently...very interesting...coincidence? I guess it does prove that in all ways the Prius is truly on the bleeding edge of technology and design. Take care, Tisza
ok so its not glass... does it make me feel better that its unbreakable plexiglass?? no i dont think so. no break means no crumple zone means one hell of a headache from the whiplash. remember that Dale Earnhart was not killed because of the collision, he was killed by whiplash
Concept car! I expect if the DID produce it that way, it would be Lexan. I also don't think they would since the design has no way to lower the windows. I'm sure it was done this way just to easily show the insides of the car and grab a little attention. How many of you would order a car with a bright orange interior?? Me either, but it does catch your eye. Also there is, effectively, no rear window other than the small vertical one. I think the door openings are a bit bizarre, why go that far UP and back (or forward)? However it does cause me to think, why NOT have the doors and roof pull up and out a few inches then slide all the way to the front or rear. A modification of current minivan rear doors. It would allow much easier ingress/egress and no one would need side mouldings! If it had proper B pillars and the top of the door wrapped inward say 12 inches ... Could be a BIT messy in a summer thunder storm though. Door slides forward, you get drenched, the interior gets drenched. Door slides closed and all that wet heats up inside the car after the storm passes. Still .....
Re: Geneva car show Cadillac looks an awful lot like a Prius I won't drive a car you can't drive naked.