I hope by the time we need to trade in our "camping car" (Nissan Xterra) a plug-in hybrid minivan will become available. If not, I don't know what we will do. What will your next car most likely be?
Currently have a '05 (just turned 35k miles today) and avg 50mpg per tank. If this economy ever bounces back....I'll buy either a 2011 or 20012 Prius......!
Don't know. I hope my Prius will last the next 15-20 years as does my minivan. Minivan less likely as it already has 210k miles on it.
My next car will be another Prius...probably in 2011. My '08 is only 6 months old and I figure I'll by the second production year of the gen 3. Until then though I'm seriously considering adding a new BMW M3 to my arsenal as a weekend play car. Mike
The first EV that carries 4 adults and has a 100-150 mile capacity/charge (or work gets friendly about pluggin in at work). Must be <$30K. IF that isn't available by then, I'll get the most fuel efficient sedan I can afford...
Whatever gets me the farthest on the least. Odds are I'll wind up with a small, efficient commuter and the Mrs. (by then) will have the Prius or something like it to run around town with a couple of kids. Fortunately we agree on energy efficiency as a long-term priority.
I'll probably wait til the 2010 model gets a few bugs worked out and some nice new features, I'd say a 2011-12 prius. Unless a family comes sooner rather than later, then it might be a highlander hybrid
I want to get an H2 and put a really obnoxious personalized license plate on it that indicates how little respect I have for the planet we live on. Just like the one I saw the other day. Oh, it's time for my medication? You're right, I feel much better now. Never mind.
I am aggressively researching converting an existing ICE vehicle to electric... after that.. in a couple of years we'll probably trade the '06 Prius for something similar but with more luxury.. but definately not LESS mpg's!
I saw a history channel segment about a company that converts ICE cars to EV only using Li ion battery packs. They says it can do 75mph and has a 150 mile range before recharge with a mid sized car or suv like the acura r4 (?) anyway my dad has one of those acuras. (not the EV) They priced the conversion at 20K I think. The history channel program was NASA tech I think it was called. I'd like to get that done to my Pri in a few years. the perfect starter EV already set up for it! (elec a/c, etc)
I would imagine I'll get the Lexus version of the Prius after it's out a few years ... or the new re-designed Toyota Prius in a few years.
A Mini or other car with go-kart / slot car handling. I drove my sister's CRV last weekend. I could hardly believe that the CRV, with its higher center of gravity, had significantly less body roll than the Standard Prius.
It depends. I just bought my prius and absolutely love it. I have a hard time not talking about it (kinda like how people talk about their pets and children). It will be up to my wife in regard to our next car purchase, but she is just learning the hypermiling techniques in the prius and she is having a blast. She did some errands in town today and ended up getting 60.2 mpg over 40 miles. I think she is loving it so hopefully in the next 5 years toyota comes out with something that tops the prius. Brandon