Is a blog news? Interesting article about how walmart could come in and change the car industry. "Does anyone want to take a bet that Walmart can manufacture and market an inexpensive electric car faster than GM can get the Volt ready for mass production? Didn't think so." The High Cost of Low Performance
The last few sentences are quite poignant... "Will this actually happen? Only time will tell. But if it does, I guess I'll see you at Wal-Mart. We'll probably both be working there."
Actually, I might take him up on his bet... since I have little faith in GM. If it goes bankrupt the Volt may be shorted out, so to speak. But there are a lot of carmakers working on this sort of thing including Chery and Tata. As long as it works... whatever. Sad to say Detroit has worked too hard to keep the status quo in place for me to be too sad for the companies. For their employees, certainly, but we know they don't get much from me when I do buy a Detroit car (especially since it might just be made in Mexico or Canada!).
The American car companies have been in bed with the oil companies for too long, and have been caught unprepared for uncontrolled oil speculation. Unless the Congress puts a lid on oil prices soon, as the stock market crashes, at least one of those car companies will crash, too.