Hey all. I really want a Prius, but the hubby's only hang up is the cargo room. You see, we go to two tradeshows a year and the hubby wants to drive next year. In my 4Runner, that's no problem. But, I was just curious if anyone has gone on long trips and brought along alot of cargo in your Prius. Let me know so that I can convince my husband that we can do it. ~Becki
Hi Becki! I don't want to redirect this thread, but I'm hoping I can help you get answers to a few questions about cargo capacity, etc. I've taken my family of four on a 1,000-mile weekend tour with no problem. Many others have really put their Priuses to the test. Here are some threads that will have some helpful information for you: Total Luggage Capacity? Traveling with the Prius Camping in the Prius Can Prius be our family car? 8000 Long trip observations and: Largest or most unusual Load Carried in Your Prius which contains some of my favorite postings in this category. You also could run a search on the PriusChat site to see what other threads might address your question. Hope this helps you. And -- Welcome to PriusChat!
Greetings, Becki! A priori put together a great list of threads pretty quickly. We can help you a little more if you give us an idea of the space you need for the trade-show items and how you pack it. Personally, I am amazed at what I can fit in my Prius with the hatchback and the seats folded down.
the blinking light saying add fuel means you have 1 gal of fuel left, not including what is in the pipe.
Thanks for all of the advice, everyone. We head out early Saturday morning, planning to head towards Amarillo via Hwy 287 instead of the Interstate. Long ipod cable = check, seat cushions=check, NAV=check... I think we are all set!
I want to share a "trick" we've learned recently. Phyllis and I love to road trip in our '06 (Phyllis is my wife- we haven't named the car.) We bring a cooler and lots of food, but we trade off driving every two hours. There's so much to see out there that one cannot see flying over it or speeding by it. The trick... when the speed limit is 55 go 55, and when the limit is 65 or higher, go 59. Keeping our speed under 60 will help us get well over 50mpg consistantly. some times with a tail wind we will get near 60 mpg and, of curse (course), with a head wind we will get nearer to 50 mpg. Let the speeders go in their wasteful ways and just allow ample time to get to your destinations. "Rather that making good time, make time good." Take time to read the historical markers. Check out the over looks. Life is too short to rush through it.
I think the point of resetting is so that TPMS will register your new tire pressures and do its checks accordingly. The system alerts you when your tires drop below the registered tire pressure by a certain percent -- if TPMS was previously registered at the stock 35/33, then even if you bump up your tire pressure to 42/40, it will alert you when it drops more than, say 25% from the stock 35/33 -- that's a LONG way down! So you want to tell TPMS to check against your new pressures instead. (At least, that's how I understand the system to work.)
Oh sorry, Am I not suppose to ask the same question on different threads? I'm new and I just wanted to make sure someone saw the question. Sorry about that. Anyway, I'm probably needing to bring a 6 foot folding table and 2 very large boxes along with my luggage. What do you think?