I just took my 07 prius to the local j-lube for an oil change and tire rotation on Wednesday. Today (almost one week later) the traction warning light came on as my wife drove to work. Same route as she always takes, no new or unusual road conditions, just the normal road bumps she always hits. This problem does actually reminds me of the road reporter. Could the tire rotation be related to the sudden occurrence of the light?
I get the same light over bumps once in a while, and vehicle response seems unaffected. I saw this mentioned previously, perhaps in the owners manual. Dirt roads and bad road joints seem to trigger it the most. I wouldn't worry, but since you had the tires rotated, check the pressures since most folks carry about 2 more PSI in the front tires than the rear, and maybe your local place just rotated the tires without checking tire pressures.
If this concerns you, I suggest that you check tire inflation as well as tire tread depth. Perhaps your tires need to be replaced? Minimum safe tread depth is 6/32" in snow and 4/32" in rain; while 2/32" is the legal minimum. The US original equipment Goodyear Integrity tire does not have a strong reputation for traction and handling, even when the tires are new.