. Mine is under 2 miles. I'd love to P&G my whole 15 miles to work(if that's possible), but there's too much traffic. What's your longest? .
longest p&g or longest glide? there's a stretch of road about 5 miles long i like to use that is slightly downhill and the speed limit is 35... glide allllll the way!
I think the P & G purists here do it 90 % of the time. I am actually more of a glide on downhill segments type, I now have much of my routes memorized as far as terrain and I know exactly what sign, mailbox, or turn in the road that I want to hold my glides to. I especially like coming home the back way from my parents house, there is a section that is 5 miles long that is slightly down hill but only enough to almost maintain speed and I frequently can make that entire 5 miles after the stop sign I accelerate from stop to 38 MPH a glide until it goes down to 30 MPH, maintain the speed back up short hill, immediately after reaching the top the short steep down hill segment here will speed me up to exactly 40 and I will be able to glide almost the rest of the way home.
About 30 seconds. Which is about as long as I get to drive before hitting another traffic light or stop sign.
I bet the way back looks different For me, I'd say about three miles. It's a slow downhill from my interstate exit to home.
5 miles, comes down a long not-so-steep hill from a friends house. i usually have to shift into neutral to get the glide going up to about 50mph if i'm going to make it all the way down.
I'm pretty sure there is not a downhill that long anywhere in Texas. 4000 ft elevation drop in 20 miles.
not around here, that's for sure... maybe a 40 ft drop in 20 miles? let's just say from where I am to the coast of Texas it's about a 100 ft drop in elevation, and that's about 300 miles. also, the buttons on your mfd look very different. (you have a lot more than i do) yay for double meaning! :cheer2: