I just got on a waiting list and they told me 10-12 weeks. They also told me that because of the color and package choice I wanted (metalic grey, package 6) that it might be sooner. I was informed that metalic grey is one of the most produced colors Toyota makes in the Prius so they often come sooner than the above time frame... who knows, he might be pulling my chain but at least it gives me a bit of hope =)
My SBM #6 is almost here!!!! Placed my name on several waiting lists in Southern Cal on June 16. On June 22, the dealer called and asked if I was interested in a car off their allocation list. Of course, I immediately drove to the dealership to sign the papers, . . . At that time the car was in Japan. On July 3rd, the car arrived at the Long Beach port. Dealer said I should get the car by the end of the week . . .:humble:
^^^^ 7 month waitlist?? its getting crazier by the minute...... they will probably be next year's models...with a MSRP markup as well.... HANG IN THERE EVERYBODY !!!!!! I'm hoping mine arrives this week.....everyone keep their fingers crossed for me !!!!!!
fingers crossed too! What will you do with all that pent up energy once you have your car? Will you still hang out with those of us still waiting?
Got on the list in Raleigh, NC on May 23rd. Got word today that I have a Spectra Blue #6 on the boat scheduled to hit land on June 18th. We are very excited now! We were quoted 6-8 weeks and looks like it will be a little over 8 weeks.
I caved. Considering I was 175 on the Sunnyvale waiting list, I honestly didn't feel I would get my Prius until next year. I went driving around the local dealerships and found a Black package #2 that just arrived on their lot with some mark up. They gave me a really good price on my Tacoma (early lease termination), and because of my horrendous credit, and desire to be the sole owner (2 previous Toyotas had been leased and with co-signer) of the vehicle, I didn't mind paying a bit more for the vehicle. So I drove off with a 2008 Black Prius with 6 miles on it yesterday. All current bias aside, I really do think the Black is the best looking Prius out there.
Enjoy the Black Package 2!! Its exactly what I have. Except mine had 2 miles on the ODO when I drove off. HA!
I put a deposit on a silver Touring package 6 on May 28. My dealer (Karl Malone in Albuquerque) has kept in touch with me regularly. They estimated 8-10 weeks at that time. So, I found this Prius Chat foroum and have been devouring the material, espec ially with this group. What a wealth of information! As of today, he told me there will be about two more allocations before he can assign a unit to me That's about 4 weeks, and then another 4 weeks for my car to arrive.. So, if that holds it will be about 12 weeks, whiich seems consistent with what I've been reading in this group. I see some of the pictures sport a decal: "PriusChat.com". Where does one get one of those? I covet that!
Well, to be fair, a couple of those miles were from me test driving the vehicle...and another couple from someone who was trying to buy the car at the same time I was. Luckily, I beat him to the punch!
Ooooo. Got on the waiting list 7/2 called today and we were told that we have a car with our name on the ship. It's Spectra Blue instead of the Barcelona Red my wife wanted, but happy none the less. Salesman said we should see it mid August. Maybe living in Maine isn't such a bad thing, not as many people on the waiting lists matt
Well, I got on the list about a month ago, and was told to expect 6 months wait at a minimum. Then I got a call last week telling me that my 2008 Package 2 in Grey was now in allocation! Not my first color choice, but I'll take it. They said it was four weeks out, which has sent me scrambling a bit on getting financing nailed down, but I've decided it's a good problem to have!
I'm on the last day of my July 2nd - 7th delivery window and watching the hours tick away with not a peep from the dealer. I hope the delivery dates they gave me are accurate since I just sold my old car a few days ago.
You may want to call your dealer to see if the status of the car is still "A" (allocated) or whether it has changed to "F" (freight). A status of "G" (ground) is the best - that means that the car is in the lot and your guy just hasn't found it yet. My car was just over 4 weeks between allocation and delivery - I got the allocation call on a Monday and it was on the lot 4 weeks later on Thursday.
Finally! It's at the dealer (as of late Sat. night) and is getting prepped for us to pick it up (knocks on wood to fend off gremlins) tonight. Now it's time for TravelBliss to take delivery! Greg
We just got on the waiting list 7/5/08 and were told because of our top choice, Silver Pine Mica Package #2 we could be waiting anywhere from 4 to 6 months. We had a bad experience trying to buy our Prius. 1st dealership said they didn't have a Prius to test drive and said we'd have to purchase one if we wanted to order one (instead of the standard $500 deposit). Are you kidding me? Without a test drive first?! Then the guy wanted to quickly get past the subject of Priuses to show us some 2007 Chevy Impalas he got in. This guy had no clue. 2nd dealership also tried to move past the Prius discussion quickly. Apparently, sales persons don't like to sell them. She gave us the run around about when we'd be able to test drive and at one point even said "it's just a frickin Prius" when talking about the surge in customers wanting to test drive. She hardly held eye contact and obviously wanted to drop us ASAP. But the 3rd dealership was a charm! The salesman was excited about the Prius and started rambling off the specs from memory. We told him about the other salesmen and he had a a good answer. He may not get his commission right away, but if he can add names to the waiting list he has guaranteed income lined up for months ahead. So here we are, two days into the wait, and already getting anxious.
We put in our order for a silver pine #3 back in mid june. Hoping to see it before sept. I will take a pkg 2 if thats all I can get and just upgrade the options I really want